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Biden to host George Floyd's family on his death anniversary

5/24/2021, 7:56:34 PM

US President Joe Biden will host George Floyd's family at the White House on Tuesday to mark the first anniversary of his death at the hands of the police.

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Washington (CNN) -

US President Joe Biden will host George Floyd's family at the White House on Tuesday to mark the first anniversary of his death at the hands of the police, a White House official confirmed to CNN. .

The visit to the White House comes when lawmakers are likely to miss the initial May 25 deadline set by the president to pass a bipartisan police reform bill. Press secretary Jen Psaki said on Friday that the White House has "confidence in the negotiators," but did not offer a concrete timeline for when Biden wants a bill on his desk, saying only that she would like it to be "the most as fast as possible ».

Biden first met the Floyd family in June 2020 when he traveled to Houston to offer his condolences before George Floyd's funeral.

The president has spoken with family members on a few occasions over the past year, including a conversation last month with George Floyd's brother, Philonise Floyd, after a jury convicted former Minneapolis police officer Derek Chauvin of the murder. .

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Psaki had said this week that the White House will mark the anniversary of Floyd's death, telling reporters that "it was a moment that impacted millions of Americans and certainly the president on a personal level."

Biden spoke with Democratic Senator Cory Booker of New Jersey on Friday afternoon as the self-imposed May 25 deadline for passing police review legislation approaches, according to a senior White House official.

The official said Booker told the president that while negotiators are not on track to meet the deadline, progress is being made.


Biden had set May 25, the anniversary of Floyd's death, as his goal during their joint address to Congress in April, Psaki said, “because he feels it's important to be bold, ambitious, and that's exactly what he is. feel that this is where we are going.

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But with the House of Representatives entering a working period Thursday and not returning to Washington until June, passage of the George Floyd Police Justice Act is nearly impossible before that deadline.

The Democratic-led chamber approved the measure in March, but it was never approved by the Senate.

The legislation includes provisions to establish a national registry of police misconduct, the prohibition of racial and religious discrimination by law enforcement agencies, and the review of qualified immunity.

Earlier this week, one of the key points that remained was Section 242, the federal law that sets the standard for criminally prosecuting police.

Some progressive Democrats have resisted the idea of ​​any compromise on key issues like Section 242 and qualified immunity.

CNN's Betsy Klein, Maegan Vazquez, and Jasmine Wright contributed to this report.

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