The Limited Times

Bottled beer from Reutberg in demand during the crisis

5/24/2021, 5:16:30 PM

August Maerz does not want to say that the Reutberg brewery got through the Corona year 2020 "well". He prefers to put it this way: "Given the situation, complaining is not appropriate."

August Maerz does not want to say that the Reutberg brewery got through the Corona year 2020 "well".

He prefers to put it this way: "Given the situation, complaining is not appropriate."


- The past year showed two different sides: the gastronomy was closed for four months, there were no parties.

“There was nothing,” says CEO Maerz.

Then, unlike many other smaller breweries, you were really lucky.

“The sale of bottled beer has increased enormously.” It was not possible to absorb everything with this, but the trend has continued until now.

The self-beer output is even better this year than last.

The beer reaches customers via beverage markets, food retailers or home delivery.

“Sales increased in all areas,” reports Maerz.

The number of customers is increasing.

“That cannot be taken for granted.

Bock beers are particularly popular

The bock beers are particularly popular.

The Josefibock was sold very well.

That is why the brewery decided this year to put on a Maibock for the first time.

“We started selling on April 20th, everything was sold out on May 3rd.” And that goes far beyond the district boundaries into Chiemgau or Allgäu.

“Apparently we hit the spot,” says Maerz.

There are still regular inquiries about the Maibock.

Last year, the Josefibock, which had already been prepared for the beer tent, was finally bottled.

This was also sold out quickly.

All beers are still going very well.

Most of the sales are at the Klosterhell.

At the moment there is a wheat beer bock for a short time.

During these days, the beer drivers "drove like crazy," reports Maerz.

The reason: the restaurant that opens again.

Deliveries were made to Tyrol and, of course, to various restaurants in the district.

“Everyone screamed.” Only draft beer is currently not sold.

Short-time work for employees

The brewery survived ten months of the crisis before it finally had to register short-time work for the 20 employees in November of last year.

After all, a lot of work was lost due to the elimination of beer tents.

“But we make sure that we use our employees wisely,” says Maerz.

For the second year in a row, the General Assembly, which otherwise took place in the beer tent as part of the Joseph Festival, has been canceled. But you are legally obliged to hold these, explains Maerz - each for yourself, as two meetings may not be merged. Therefore, he contacted the cooperative association. In view of the 5230 members, the proposals to hold the meeting digitally or by letter seemed impractical in Maerz. "And when we can set up a marquee again is also uncertain."

Then he learned how the Pieding milk cooperative had held its meeting during these times.

“They organized the whole thing as a drive-in cinema.” In a correspondingly large parking lot, the comrades could sit in their cars and listen to the CEO's report on the car radio.

A flag held out of the window could be used to vote.

"This is the most likely option that is being considered at the moment," says Maerz, although he emphasizes that this is not yet fixed.

“But I think it's a good option.” The dividend in the form of roast pork and two liters of beer is then “to go”, ie to take away.

It is not so easy to become a comrade

Anyone who wants to become a comrade of the Reutberg Brewery currently has to wait about three years, that's how long the list of those who want to move up is.

“More and more want to join,” says Maerz.

There are inquiries every day.

Running the brewery's business in these times was “no picnic”.

But at least one has come through the crisis "reasonably decently", i.e. without a deficit.

"Last year at this time it looked very different."

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