The Limited Times

Plastic artists: The Syrian people will elect their representatives to build the future of Syria

5/24/2021, 7:42:39 PM

Damascus-SANA The Syrian plastic artists identify with their society, the causes of their people and their homeland with their artistic work, and today it stands


Syrian plastic artists identified themselves with their society, the issues of their people and their homeland, with their artistic work, and today these plastic artists stand with the democratic process in their country by exercising their electoral right to build a more beautiful future for Syria.

President of the Union of Plastic Artists, Muhammad Irfan Izzat Abu al-Shamat, stated in a statement to SANA that the Syrian plastic artists who contribute to the development of the national culture through what they express in terms of monitoring the Syrian civilization through their paintings see the presidential entitlement as an opportunity to express what is going on in their souls of loyalty to the homeland and the protectors of the homeland By drawing and colors.

Plastic artist Ghassan Ghanem, who is the secretary of the Syrian Plastic Artists Union, pointed out that the timing of the presidential elections coincided with conditions and challenges that Syria faces on many fronts, including political, economic and humanitarian, but the Syrian people, with all their segments, will participate in them to affirm their constitutional right to choose who will lead their march towards victory and prosperity.

The holding of the presidential elections comes on the date specified by the constitution, an expression of Syria’s continued victory, according to Badie Jahjah, director of the Alf Noun Ballroom, who confirms that participating in the election of the President of the Republic is the right and duty of every Syrian to choose his candidate for this sovereign position.

Jahjah, who launched dozens of artistic projects in wartime, stops when it is necessary to look at the democratic process from the angle that it is an internal constitutional matter that expresses the sovereignty of the country, and no one from outside has the right to interfere with it or interfere with it, pointing out that the Syrian state, with its legitimate constitutional institutions, is the only one authorized to manage this process and announce Their results and implementation.

On the characteristics of the candidate who will elect him, Jahjah said, "I will vote for those whose priorities are to support the army in fighting terrorism and work to improve the citizen's livelihood and create a better future for Syria."

As for the plastic artist, Abd al-Rahman Muhanna, he said, “Despite all the conspiracies the Syrians faced, he will accept the elections with great energy and awareness, as he was known from time immemorial for the sake of the new, renewed Syria.

The plastic artist, director of the Museum of Modern Art, Moufida Diop, said that the Syrians could not give up their right to choose their representatives, and this is what is known about them, so from now their participation is an expression of their victory.

And because steadfastness is the example of the Syrian people in this era, it will exercise its constitutional right, elect its representative and lead it towards victory, as the plastic artist Bashir Bashir sees, because the people of this land have proven in their homeland in the face of all those who have targeted their lives and have persevered in various circumstances.

Fine, Reem Qabtan, explained that the presidential elections come on the specified date according to the constitution and that the people are waiting for them to exercise their rights, say their words, and express their hopes and aspirations in front of the world in every democracy.

Qubtan confirmed that she will be elected to the post of President of the Republic, the son of the country who is jealous of his homeland and its people, who lives with them and feels their worries and troubles and works diligently to advance their reality and the reality of the country and seeks to create a better future and bypass the effects of war and siege with his ability to defend Syria against its enemies.