The Limited Times

Vandalism at Walchensee: Volunteers have to pull the Dixie toilet out of the water

5/24/2021, 11:56:04 PM

Several strangers were up to mischief on Saturday night at Walchensee. Not only did they cause major property damage and endanger road traffic, they also brought a lot of work to volunteers. The hustle and bustle of the vandals is now causing great resentment on social media.

Several strangers were up to mischief on Saturday night at Walchensee.

Not only did they cause major property damage and endanger road traffic, they also brought a lot of work to volunteers.

The hustle and bustle of the vandals is now causing great resentment on social media.


- As reported by the Bad Tölz police, the unknowns targeted the Dixie toilets on the lakeshore. Nine pieces were willfully knocked over on Saturday night in the area of ​​Süduferstraße. Two toilets were even pulled onto the lane as a traffic obstacle. Fortunately, the police wrote, there was no traffic accident.

Another Dixie toilet was turned from the bridge to the lake at the Niedernach power station. It had to be taken out of the water on Saturday with great effort. The water guards from Walchensee and Bad Tölz as well as police officers were involved. The current had driven the outhouse into a bay. The holding tank there was obviously torn open because the excrement was swimming in the lake. “That was disgusting,” reports Lisa Grünwald from the Walchensee water rescue service. Only with waders did you see yourself able to go into water to secure the Dixie toilet with ropes and to drag it out of the bay. The outhouse was full of water and the work was correspondingly difficult. Five volunteers from the water rescue service and two police officers joined forces. “It was really hard,” says Grünwald.“We tried again and again to tip it so that some water could run out.” The police's VW bus was then fetched on the bank to pull it up a good way ashore. The recovery took two hours.

Other toilets were apparently not thrown into the water.

“We drove through all the places and checked them,” says Grünwald.

The police suspect that the vandalism was carried out by at least two perpetrators.

Witnesses who observed something at night are asked to call 0 80 41/76 10 60.

It is determined for damage to property that is harmful to the community, dangerous interference in road traffic and water pollution.  

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