The Limited Times

Corona in Germany: For the first time since October 2020 - nationwide incidence falls below the decisive value

5/28/2021, 7:57:46 PM

The corona numbers in Germany continue to decrease. A federal state continues to unlock. The nationwide 7-day incidence falls below 50. The news ticker.

The corona numbers in Germany continue to decrease.

A federal state continues to unlock.

The nationwide 7-day incidence falls below 50. The news ticker.

  • Despite the falling number of infections, World Doctors boss Montgomery is dampening hopes for a quick end to the corona pandemic

    (see update from May 25, 4:30 p.m.)


  • Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania wants to ramp up culture from June

    (see update from May 25, 8:54 p.m.)


  • The nationwide 7-day incidence is below 50 for the first time since October 2020

    (see update from May 26, 7 a.m.).

  • This

    news ticker on the corona crisis * in Germany

    is continuously updated.

Update from May 26th, 7:00 a.m.:

Germany can breathe a sigh of relief in the corona pandemic due to the ongoing decline in new infections.

This is also suggested by a look at the infection numbers that are published daily by the Robert Koch Institute.

On Wednesday morning, the RKI reported a nationwide 7-day incidence of less than 50 for the first time since October last year.

46.8 new infections per 100,000 inhabitants were reported in the past seven days.

However, the extended Pentecost weekend must also be included in the analysis.

Basically fewer corona tests are carried out and reported on weekends and public holidays.

The RKI reported 2,626 new infections for Tuesday.

In addition, 270 other people died as a result of Covid-19.

The incidence threshold of 50 is particularly important politically and enables further relaxation and opening.

The RKI last reported a 7-day incidence of less than 50 on October 20, 2020.

Coronavirus in Germany: the number of infections is falling - the R value is still below 1

Update from May 25, 10 p.m.:

The corona numbers in Germany have been falling for some time.

So also the nationwide R-value.

According to the RKI situation report from Tuesday evening, it is currently 0.78 (previous day: 0.84).

This means that 100 infected people theoretically infect 78 more people.

The R-value represents the corona infection 8 to 16 days ago.

If it is below 1 for a longer period of time, the incidence of infection decreases.

On the other hand, if it is consistently higher, the number of cases increases.

Corona in Germany: Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania wants to ramp up culture from June

Update from May 25, 8:54 p.m.:

Many currently closed cultural institutions in Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania can gradually receive guests again from June 1. This was announced by Prime Minister Manuela Schwesig (SPD) on Tuesday evening in Schwerin. From then on, museums, for example, are allowed to reopen. Cinemas are to follow from June 21st. The visit is possible with a negative corona test. It had already been announced that the state wanted to move the tourism restart forward

(see update from May 25, 1:54 p.m.)


According to Minister of Culture Bettina Martin (SPD), the number of admitted viewers is to be gradually increased.

Initially, a maximum of 250 people are allowed outside and 100 people inside.

Here, too, a negative corona test is required, which must be a maximum of 24 hours old.

Those who are already fully vaccinated are exempt from this.

The seven-day incidence in Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania was 37.6 on Tuesday, according to the RKI.

Corona in Germany: head of world doctors dampens hope for a quick end to the pandemic

Update from May 25, 4:30 p.m

.: The 7-day incidence in Germany is going down.

Nevertheless, world doctors boss Frank Ulrich Montgomery does not expect a quick end to the corona pandemic.

"This pandemic will never end in my eyes," said Montgomery on ntv. "Like the flu virus, this virus will accompany us for a long, long time to come." This is why, in his opinion, preventive measures are so important. The first is vaccination and the second is restrictions and distance measures, as well as wearing masks until a large part of the population is vaccinated. Wearing masks is not a dramatic encroachment on fundamental rights that completely harms people.

“From a medical point of view, the low incidence value is not enough for me.

We still have too high a level of incidences, ”says Montgomery of further easing.

It refers to the original limit of 35, which was then raised to 100.

The world doctors boss understands that people are getting impatient and want more.

He appeals to be careful not to risk relapse.


Frank Ulrich Montgomery: The corona pandemic will be with us for a long time.

© imago

Update from May 25, 3:21 p.m

.: According to the latest study results, the Corona vaccine from Moderna is also effective in children from 12 years of age.

The US company announced on Tuesday.

You can read all the details here.

Update from May 25, 2:51 p.m

.: Please, without Corona!

The TV audience prefers series and films without a visible pandemic connection.

That was the result of a ZDF study.

74 percent of the TV viewers surveyed agreed with the statement that they would be happy if one was not reminded of the everyday restrictions caused by Corona while watching series and films.

At the same time, more than one in four (29 percent) is sometimes irritated when the actors in the film or in the series, for example, hug each other or do not wear a mask - as if there was no Corona.

Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania wants to move ahead with the start of tourism

Update from May 25, 1:54 p.m.:

Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania is pushing forward.

Hotels and pensions in the state should open again this weekend.

"Health and Economics Minister Harry Glawe

(CDU, dR)

and I propose together that we take the first step

, i.e.

the accommodation of guests from MV, as early as May 28," confirms Prime Minister Manuela Schwesig (SPD) of the

Baltic Sea Newspaper


The restart of tourism was originally supposed to take place in mid-June.

As in the previous year, locals should first be allowed to go on vacation, a week later people from all over Germany will come.

An occupancy rate is not planned.

The rapid decline in the number of infections in Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania makes the tourism push possible.

The 7-day incidence there is currently 37.5.

After the Pentecost weekend with few tests and reports, the numbers will probably rise again over the next day.

Corona in Germany: Vaccination speed stagnates over Pentecost - 40 percent of Germans first vaccinated

Update from May 25, 1:32 p.m.:

Over 45 million vaccine doses have now been


in Germany.

287,574 people received a can on Monday.

For almost half of them it was already the second poke.

This can be seen from the figures on the RKI dashboard.

The vaccination speed has therefore decreased significantly over the Whitsun holidays.

On the Monday of the previous week, 543,637 corona vaccinations were carried out.

The vaccination progress in Germany is nevertheless on the right track.

According to the Robert Koch Institute, 33.6 million Germans have already received at least the first vaccination.

That is just over 40 percent of the population.

11.9 million (14.3 percent) are fully immunized.

Corona in Germany: number of deaths above the previous year's average

Update from May 25, 12:53 p.m.:


number of deaths

in Germany is six percent above the average in the first

weeks of


The Federal Statistical Office announced on Tuesday that a total of 18,324 people died between May 10 and 16.

That is on average almost 1,000 people more than in the comparison weeks from 2017 and 2020.

Compared to the first week of May 2021, the numbers are down.

At the beginning of the month, the average was ten percent higher than in previous years.

The office points out that the corona pandemic first affected the number of deaths at the end of March 2020.

The average of previous years is also influenced by this.

Corona: “Step by step fewer regulations” - Altmaier envisages the end of the home office obligation

Update from May 25th, 11:14 am:

“Step by step fewer regulations”, promises Minister of Economic Affairs Peter Altmaier in an interview with



The home office requirement may soon be abolished.

"I believe that the idea of ​​returning to normality certainly also means that you can work on site again where it makes sense," said the CDU politician.

Nevertheless, many employees could certainly stay in the home office, says Altmaier.

The companies have proven to be flexible.

That is one of the positive lessons of the corona crisis.

"This is completely the wrong way to go in a time when jobs and livelihoods are already at stake," said FDP


committee member Michael Theurer in an interview with the

Frankfurter Allgemeine

newspaper even more clearly against the obligation to work from home.

The Federal Association of German Industry is calling for the repeal anyway and advocating a phased plan.

In any case, the regulation expires at the end of June.

"Take back immediately!" Spahn advances arouse massive criticism and cause great "despair"

Update from May 25th, 7.14 a.m.:

The German Foundation for Patient Protection is again angry about the lifting of the vaccination prioritization in Germany. "With vaccines that are currently in short supply for those entitled to vaccination with priority two and three, despair grows," says CEO Eugen Brysch of the

Rheinische Post

. "Nobody should get upset about vaccination tourism, because those responsible for it are in Berlin and the state capitals," criticized Brysch, "a responsible policy must immediately take back the end of vaccination prioritization on June 7th."

Jens Spahn speculates "unabashedly about vaccination plans for groups of people in the future and cannot meet current needs at all." The desperation of those willing to vaccinate is noticeable on the phone of the patient advocates: "It cannot be that patients with cancer, high blood pressure, asthma or Diabetes still don't have a vaccination appointment. ”Jens Spahn also received strong criticism from politics. FDP and left-wing factions are bothered by the new incidence target that the Minister of Health has set for a "carefree summer".

Spahn had brought an incidence limit of 20 into play.

"With his speculations, Mr. Spahn only spreads public uncertainty", annoyed Michael Theurer, deputy parliamentary group leader of the FDP, in an interview with "



"Concrete problem solving instead of gossiping announcements would now be urgently required," continues the left-wing parliamentary group leader Amira Mohamed Ali.

Corona numbers are sinking nationwide - large rush for special vaccination campaign in NRW

Update from May 25

, 6:13 a.m


On Whit Monday, all German federal states had

fallen below

the incidence mark of 100

(see update from May 24, 11:47 a.m.)


One day later, the nationwide incidence value even approaches 50. According to the dashboard of the Robert Koch Institute, it is currently 58.4.

The RKI warns that the numbers should be cautiously classified.

Over the long weekend of Pentecost, there were probably significantly fewer tests and there were also some reports from the districts.

As on the day before, Thuringia has the most infections per 100,000 inhabitants.

federal state

7 day incidence











North Rhine-Westphalia












Lower Saxony


Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania






Corona: Big rush for special vaccination campaign in NRW

Update from May 24, 10:10 p.m.:

In Duisburg, special vaccination campaigns have been taking place in parts of the city with a high incidence since Whit Monday.

The city was surprised by the large crowd at the mobile vaccination center in front of a mosque in the Marxloh district.

According to the fire department, around 700 people were waiting to get a corona vaccination with the vaccine from Johnson & Johnson * before the campaign began.

According to

WDR, the

first residents arrived

at 4 a.m. and lined up in the queue on folding chairs - the planned start of the vaccination campaign was 10 a.m.

Due to the large number of people, the vaccination teams started with the single vaccinations at 9:15 a.m., according to a spokeswoman.

Originally, a total of 400 corona vaccinations should be carried out in the mobile vaccination center on Monday.

Additional doctors were called in during the day, so that a total of 1200 vaccine doses were administered.

Around noon the queue was closed due to the large number of people.

The special vaccination campaigns in Duisburg are to be continued in the coming days.


There was a big rush on Monday for a special vaccination campaign in Duisburg.

© Christoph Reichwein / imago-images

Corona in Germany: Slight decrease in intensive care patients

Update from May 24, 7:55 p.m.:

The corona numbers in Germany continue to decrease.

In the meantime, all federal states have a seven-day incidence below the “emergency brakes” mark of 100. A positive trend can also be seen in the intensive care units.

According to the current daily report of the DIVI intensive care register from Monday (May 24th), the number of Covid-19 patients treated in an intensive care unit in Germany has decreased slightly.

A total of 3237 corona patients are currently in an intensive care unit - 67 fewer than the day before.

2035 of these patients are currently being invasively ventilated - 44 fewer than the day before.

Corona in Germany: Politicians urge young people to be vaccinated

Update from May 24, 3:39 p.m.:

Numerous politicians from various parties in Germany are pushing for quick corona vaccinations for children and adolescents.

Federal Minister of Health Jens Spahn and Federal Minister of Education Anja Karliczek (both CDU) want to have young people vaccinated in the summer to enable them to return to regular classes.

The FDP demanded that parents be given preference in vaccination.

Corona in Germany: Greens want to distribute holiday vouchers

The Greens suggested giving poor families holiday vouchers and children money for sports clubs. "It needs offers for children and young people to catch up on what has been missed and for families to finally pause and take a breath," said parliamentary group leader Katrin Göring-Eckardt to the newspapers of the editorial network Germany on Tuesday.

The Association of Towns and Municipalities called for improved protection against infection in schools.

"After the schoolchildren have had a difficult year of pandemic, everything must now be done to prevent us from getting into a school lockdown again in the fall," General Manager Gerd Landsberg told Funke newspapers.

It is not yet clear when younger children can be vaccinated.

The summer holidays should be used to sustainably improve the protection against infection in schools over the long term.

Corona in Germany: All federal states fall below the 100 incidence

Update from May 24, 11:47 a.m.:

According to the RKI dashboard (as of

May 24

, 11 a.m.), the incidence has now fallen below the critical mark of 100 in all federal states.

This means that the so-called federal emergency brake is no longer in force in any federal state, according to which uniform framework restrictions in the form of curfews, contact restrictions and stricter rules for schools and retailers apply.


All federal states in Germany now have an incidence below 100, as the RKI dashboard shows.

© Screenshot RKI Dashboard

The highest 7-day incidence * is currently still in Thuringia with a value of 96.6, as can be seen in the following list.

Schleswig-Holstein, on the other hand, has now reached the lowest value.

Here the 7-day incidence is only 30.3.

federal state

7 day incidence











North Rhine-Westphalia














Lower Saxony


Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania






Source: RKI Dashboard, as of May 24, 11:57 a.m.

Within the counties in Germany, the Bavarian city of Memmingen is the single leader in terms of incidence.

Here the value is 238.1.

In no other district in Germany is the value above 200. The residents of Flensburg can look forward to the lowest incidence.

Here it is just 5.5.

Corona pandemic: USA examines cases of myocarditis after vaccination

Update from May 24th, 9.11 a.m.:

In the USA, children and young people from the age of twelve are vaccinated against the corona virus on a large scale.

Now several cases of myocarditis in young people in connection with a corona vaccination are making headlines.

Such cases are therefore now being investigated by the US health authority CDC.

There are a small number of cases in adolescents and young adults who were vaccinated with mRNA vaccines from Pfizer and Biontech * or Moderna *, said the CDC.

"Most cases appear to have been mild with a follow-up on cases".

Side effect of the corona vaccination?

Heart muscle inflammation is more common in young men

According to the authority, so-called myocarditis occurred more often in young men who had already been vaccinated for the second time.

The authority did not initially disclose how many cases there are and how old the victims are.

In contrast to the USA, the European Medicines Agency (EMA) is currently still examining the approval of the corona vaccine from Biontech / Pfizer for twelve to 15 year olds.

So far, reports of side effects from the Astrazeneca vaccine have been of particular concern.

A study from the UK also recently provided insights into cerebral vein thrombosis related to mRNA vaccines from Biontech and Moderna.

Corona in Germany: Again, significantly fewer new infections

Initial report from May 24, 2021, 8:51 a.m.:

Berlin - The German health authorities reported 2682 new corona infections to the Robert Koch Institute (RKI) * within one day.

This is based on the numbers on the RKI dashboard from Monday morning (May 24, 2021, 5.30 a.m.).

A week ago there were 2,730 more new infections - at that time the value was 5412 infections.

Corona incidence in Germany continues to descend - RKI points to distortion

Immer mehr Landkreise haben inzwischen die kritische Inzidenz von 100, bei der die bundesweite Notbremse in Kraft tritt, unterschritten. Die 7-Tage-Inzidenz liegt laut RKI am Montagmorgen bundesweit bei 62,5 (Vortag: 64,5; Vorwoche: 83,1). Allerdings weist das RKI bei den Daten auf Verzerrungen aufgrund des Pfingst-Feiertages hin: „Aufgrund des Feiertags am 24.05.2021 ist bei der Interpretation der Fallzahlen zu beachten, dass an Feier- und Brückentagen weniger Personen einen Arzt aufsuchen, wodurch auch weniger Proben genommen und weniger Laboruntersuchungen durchgeführt werden. Dies führt dazu, dass weniger Erregernachweise an die zuständigen Gesundheitsämter gemeldet werden.“

Einen erfreulichen Rückgang verzeichnet das RKI auch bei den gemeldeten Todesfällen: Deutschlandweit wurden den Angaben nach binnen 24 Stunden 43 neue Todesfälle verzeichnet. Vor einer Woche waren es 64 Tote gewesen.

Das RKI zählte seit Beginn der Pandemie insgesamt 3.651.640 nachgewiesene Infektionen mit Sars-CoV-2. Die tatsächliche Gesamtzahl dürfte aber deutlich höher liegen, da viele Infektionen nicht erkannt werden.

Corona in Deutschland: Weitere Gradmesser mit rückläufigem Trend

Die Zahl der Genesenen gab das RKI mit etwa 3.408.800 an. Die Zahl der Menschen, die an oder unter Beteiligung einer nachgewiesenen Infektion mit Sars-CoV-2 gestorben sind, wird nun mit 87.423 angegeben.

Der bundesweite Sieben-Tage-R-Wert* lag laut RKI-Lagebericht von Sonntagabend bei 0,87 (Vortag ebenfalls: 0,87). Das bedeutet, dass 100 Infizierte rechnerisch 87 weitere Menschen anstecken. Der R-Wert bildet jeweils das Infektionsgeschehen vor 8 bis 16 Tagen ab. Liegt er für längere Zeit unter 1, flaut das Infektionsgeschehen ab; liegt er anhaltend darüber, steigen die Fallzahlen.
(va mit Material der dpa) * ist Teil von IPPEN.MEDIA.

Rubriklistenbild: © Annette Riedl/dpa

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