The Limited Times

Corona numbers in Germany are falling massively - the state will loosen up on a large scale from Monday

5/28/2021, 9:00:20 PM

The corona numbers in Germany continue to decrease. Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania wants to vaccinate its students as soon as possible, Schleswig-Holstein is now massively relaxing the contact restrictions. The news ticker.

The corona numbers in Germany continue to decrease.

Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania wants to vaccinate its students as soon as possible, Schleswig-Holstein is now massively relaxing the contact restrictions.

The news ticker.

  • The corona parameters in Germany are falling, the situation is easing nationwide.

  • On Thursday morning, the RKI reported a nationwide seven-day incidence of 41

    (see update from May 27, 6:30 a.m.).

  • Schleswig-Holstein is now massively relaxing the contact restrictions

    (see update from May 27, 11 a.m.).

  • This news ticker is continuously updated.

Update from May 27th, 11 a.m.:

Against the background of the continuing decline in corona infection in Schleswig-Holstein, the state government is planning the next easing steps. In the northernmost state, up to ten people will be able to meet indoors again from Monday. The number of households is not limited, as Prime Minister Daniel Günther (CDU) said on Thursday in Kiel.

Larger events should also gradually become possible again. Depending on the type of event, up to 125 participants should be possible inside and up to 250 outside, subject to conditions. All sports facilities may open again from Monday. This also applies to fitness studios. The seven-day incidence in Schleswig-Holstein fell to 21.8 on Wednesday, according to data from the Ministry of Health in Kiel.

Update from May 27, 9:20 a.m.:

The corona vaccinations in Germany continue to progress, more and more people are being immunized against the malicious virus. For this reason, the federal and state governments will hold a summit on Thursday to discuss how to proceed with the vaccination campaign. Chancellor Angela Merkel's consultations with the heads of state government should focus on the question of whether children and young people should also receive a vaccine.

Federal Health Minister Jens Spahn pleaded for children and adolescents to be included in the vaccination campaign - even if the Standing Vaccination Commission did not recommend it.

The minister met with some contradictions.

Another topic at the summit will be the extent to which the vaccinations that have already been given should be refreshed.

After the deliberations have been concluded, the results will be reported at a press conference.

Corona in Germany: RKI publishes current figures

Update from May 27, 6:30 a.m.:

The health authorities in Germany reported 6313 new corona infections to the Robert Koch Institute (RKI) within one day (as of May 27, 5:25 a.m.). For comparison: a week ago the value was 12,298 infections. The RKI gave the seven-day incidence on Thursday morning as nationwide 41 (previous day: 46.8; previous week: 68). When interpreting the numbers, however, it is important that fewer people visit a doctor on public holidays such as Whit Monday, which means that fewer samples are taken and there are fewer laboratory tests. Therefore, fewer new infections are reported. This can still be reflected in the current values. According to the information, 269 new deaths were recorded across Germany within 24 hours.

Corona in Germany: Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania wants to vaccinate students promptly

Update from May 26, 10:00 p.m.:

Vaccinations for schoolchildren in northeast Germany: Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania wants to vaccinate at least 65 percent of its pupils aged twelve and over in a timely manner and has applied for the delivery of 64,450 doses of the Biontech / Pfizer preparation to the federal government.

Health Minister Harry Glawe (CDU) said on Wednesday that the concept was deposited with the Federal Ministry of Health.

"I assume that we will then also get the vaccination doses." The Ministry of Education in Schwerin will write to the parents and determine how high the willingness to vaccinate is overall.

He hoped for a high level of readiness, said Glawe.

According to him, there are around 93,000 children and young people between the ages of 12 and 18 in Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania.

His goal is to vaccinate before the start of the new school year on August 2nd or when school starts.

Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania is the first federal state in which the summer holidays end.

Update from May 26, 8:15 p.m.:

According to data from the Robert Koch Institute (RKI), the corona variant B.1.617, discovered in India and now widespread in many countries around the world, remains quite rare in Germany.

For the third week in a row, the proportion of this mutant in the samples examined is around two percent, according to an RKI report from Wednesday evening.

The most recent data is from the week of May 10-16.

Meanwhile, Biontech has announced a reduction in the planned delivery quantities of the corona vaccine for the next two weeks.

The Federal Ministry of Health announced on Wednesday.

Corona in Germany: India mutant as a summer spoiler?

Update from May 26th, 4.30 p.m.:

The British Corona mutation caused a hard winter in lockdown in Germany.

The mutant is considered more contagious than the original virus.

But now the pandemic could pick up speed again due to the recently discovered Indian mutation, because according to an expert, the mutation should be even more contagious than the British mutant.

Accordingly, the variant of the coronavirus, which was first discovered in India, could be up to 80 percent easier to transmit than the British variant that has prevailed so far. The epidemiologist Neil Ferguson from Imperial College London said in an online press conference on Wednesday. However, there is still no reliable data, the scientist continues. So far, the only thing that is certain is that the variant, also known as B.1.617.2, has an advantage. That could be between 20 and 80 percent. It is therefore not yet certain whether the mutant will prevail as dominant - but it is likely.

Nevertheless, the scientist sees the situation more positively than after the appearance of the British variant at the end of last year due to the progress in vaccination and the lower number of cases in Great Britain.

At that time, the so-called British virus mutant B.1.1.7 led to a violent second wave of infections in Great Britain and, a short time later, also in continental Europe.

Corona in Germany: More and more people are getting vaccinated - RKI publishes current figures

Update from May 26, 2:15 p.m.:

After the vaccination campaign in Germany started slowly and was made more difficult by many setbacks, more and more people are now being supplied with a vaccination dose every day. At 57 percent, the proportion of corona second vaccinations in the daily doses is now higher than ever. According to the Robert Koch Institute on Wednesday, a total of 595 125 people were immunized on Tuesday, 339 751 of them now received their full vaccination protection.

However, as the RKI also reports, the total number of vaccinations administered is again significantly lower compared to the previous week: at the time there were 867 044 vaccinations.

The vaccination campaign in Germany reached its previous peak on May 12th with 1.4 million injections administered in one day.

Overall, according to the information, 40.8 percent (33.9 million) of the population have been vaccinated at least once and 14.8 percent (12.3 million) have been completely vaccinated.

Update from May 26, 12.30 p.m.:

In the NDR podcast, virologist Christian Drosten spoke about the current Corona situation * in Germany.

In addition to vaccination progress, the focus was on the Indian virus mutation.

Corona in Germany: Federal Health Minister Spahn is sticking to vaccinations for older children and adolescents

Update from May 26, 11:50 a.m.:

More and more people in Germany are getting vaccinated against the corona virus, but so far young people and older children are still excluded. If Federal Health Minister Jens Spahn has his way, this should change soon, even if the Standing Vaccination Commission (Stiko) should not make a general recommendation.

The Stiko give a recommendation, said the CDU politician in the program "Frühstart" on RTL / ntv. "In the light of this recommendation, the parents can then make the specific decisions with their children and the doctors as to whether someone should be vaccinated or not." This is an individual decision.

The manufacturer Biontech / Pfizer has applied to the European Medicines Agency (EMA) for approval of its preparation from the age of twelve. A decision is expected by the end of May. However, Stiko reserves the right to clarify its own potential vaccination recommendations. Your member Rüdiger von Kries does not currently expect that there will be a general vaccination recommendation for all children.

Spahn said: "If the European Medicines Agency does that, the vaccine would also be an approved vaccine for this age group." The first children and adolescents should then be offered a vaccination before the start of the summer vacation, he said.

"Once the approval has been granted, we will gradually - not all at once - offer children and adolescents over the age of twelve an offer to be vaccinated." However, the Minister of Health rejected a vaccination as a prerequisite for attending classroom instruction: " I don't see that we will have a compulsory vaccination for school attendance. "

Spahn formulates a new incidence target and feels anger - "Public uncertainty"

Original message from May 26, 2021:

Berlin - For over a year, the corona pandemic has had Germany and many other countries in the world firmly under control, especially the seven-day incidence, which is important for many experts and politicians, currently controls daily life.

If the incidence is too high, there is a risk of measures and a tightening of the lockdown.

However, for a few weeks now, Germany has finally been able to breathe a sigh of relief: the corona numbers and incidence are falling steadily.

But now there is criticism of the target incidence newly brought into play by Federal Health Minister Spahn.

Corona in Germany: Criticism of the new incidence target value - Federal Health Minister Spahn in the criticism

While the incidence below 50 was previously important for easing the measures, Spahn had declared

a seven-day incidence per 100,000 inhabitants of under 20 as a mark in

relation to

Bild am Sonntag

. “Last summer it was under 20. We should aim for that again. Caution and circumspection still apply. ”A statement for which the Federal Health Minister has received a lot of criticism, especially from the FDP and left-wing parliamentary group.

"With his speculations, Mr. Spahn only spreads public uncertainty," said Deputy FDP parliamentary group leader Michael Theurer to the



“The intensive care beds are emptying, the difficult courses become significantly less frequent.

The risk situation from a specific number, be it 20, 35, 50 or 100, is now completely different than it was at the beginning of the year. "Left party leader Amira Mohamed Ali said:" Concrete problem solving instead of gossiping announcements is now urgently required . “As problems, she named ineffective test situations in schools, alternating classes and a lack of vaccines.

Corona in Germany: is the summer finally coming?

Incidence of 20 is believed to lead the way

The Greens were more cautious.

"Just looking at the incidence will not be enough in the next few weeks," said parliamentary group leader Katrin Göring-Eckardt.

"Even if a strategy of low numbers of infections is fundamentally correct." Union parliamentary group Vice Stephan Stracke (CSU) told the world that the Infection Protection Act with the limit values ​​100, 50 and 35 should by no means be changed.

But: "With the goal of 20, we are particularly avoiding situations in which opening steps have to be taken back if the legal limit values ​​are exceeded."

Corona in Germany: RKI publishes current infection numbers

The RKI figures on Wednesday also show that the situation in Germany is steadily easing.

The nationwide seven-day incidence fell below the politically relevant value of 50 for the first time since October last year.

Accordingly, the number of new infections reported within seven days per 100,000 inhabitants nationwide on Wednesday was 46.8 (previous day: 58.4).

Most recently, the value was below the 50 threshold in autumn: at 48.6 on October 20, 2020.

The health authorities in Germany reported 2626 new corona infections to the RKI within one day.

For comparison: a week ago the value was 11 040 infections.

* is part of IPPEN.MEDIA.

List of rubric lists: © Tobias Hase / dpa