The Limited Times

Fusion of Vonovia and Deutsche Wohnen: Work on the MD site should continue even after the change of ownership

5/28/2021, 10:20:03 PM

The planned merger of the two real estate groups Deutsche Wohnen and Vonovia does not change anything in the progress of work on the MD site. This is emphasized by Romy Mathes, spokeswoman for Deutsche Wohnen.

The planned merger of the two real estate groups Deutsche Wohnen and Vonovia does not change anything in the progress of work on the MD site.

This is emphasized by Romy Mathes, spokeswoman for Deutsche Wohnen.


- The real estate company Deutsche Wohnen bought the 17 hectare site, which had been fallow for almost 15 years, for 600 million euros last spring; The previous owner was the Texas Lone Star Funds. And now the next change of ownership is pending: on Monday evening it was announced that the real estate giant Vonovia had made a takeover offer to Deutsche Wohnen. Should the shareholders accept the offer, Isaria Entwicklungsgesellschaft MbH would also change hands, which is currently responsible for converting the former paper mill site into a - according to its own advertising - “modern, urban residential area”.

According to Mathes, the major project in Dachau is “currently not the subject of negotiation”, Isaria is developing further and, in general, every thought game about the future of the project is “purely hypothetical”.

If “there is actually something to report, then we will say it”.

What, according to Mathes, is already clear today: “Large-scale new residential construction” is “an important goal and strategic issue” for both groups.

Both Deutsche Wohnen and Vonovia want to "relax the housing market in large cities".

Therefore, the Dachau project is "currently unchanged".

How many apartments will be built on the Dachau site has been the subject of discussions for years.

As of today, around 1,000 apartments, 15,000 square meters for retail and 45,000 square meters for offices are planned.

It is an open secret that the owner of the site would like to change the ratio of living to business in the direction of more residential construction and less business.

In an interview with the local newspaper a year ago, Deutsche Wohnen board member Henrik Thomsen announced that he wanted to rent out “the vast majority of the new apartments” and thereby enable “good living for broad sections of the population”.

But there is not even a development plan, and the urban development contract between the city and the owner that has been announced for years has not even been drawn up.

Lord Mayor Florian Hartmann is therefore “totally relaxed”.

Of course, one can discuss the old and new owners of the site at length and in detail, “but that won't change anything.

It is much more important that we as a city have a clear stance and say: This is how we want it to be ”!

Because, Hartmann also admits, in the current negotiations between Isaria and the city there are still diverging opinions, especially about the number of apartments, but also about green spaces or the question of what type of business should be located.

Only when these questions have been clarified and “common goals” formulated can a development plan procedure begin.

The standpoints are clear: while the landowner on the MD site just wants to earn as much money as possible, Dachau is about a new district. And that, according to Hartmann, “has to be good”! After all, he will “shape the development of our city for the next 100 years”.