The Limited Times

Indochina concert-test: before dancing, you have to get tested

5/28/2021, 8:13:46 AM

7,500 candidates underwent an antigen test, three days before the experimental concert, scheduled for this Saturday at the Accor Arena. More than an event

Life has resumed in the pit.

In turn, the masked participants advance.

But the condition for hoping to dance is first to get tested.

This Wednesday, the Accor Arena, the huge hall of Bercy, in Paris (12th century), had the air of a giant lab, three days before an unprecedented concert, the first standing for nearly a year and a half, scheduled for this Saturday , with the legendary group Indochine, headlining.

Twenty boxes, separated by screens, 7,500 candidates drawn at random, come to play the game of cotton swabs in the nose in these improvised voting booths.

At this office, they give their consent, there cosmonauts in white do the antigen test, next, those in blue, record their data, in all, there are 250. "It looks like a polling station", laughs an organizer. .

If they are positive, they will say goodbye to the concert.

But, by midday, cases of Covid were rare.

The protocol is strict because it is above all a real scientific experiment which is carried out by the Assistance publique-Hôpitaux de Paris (AP-HP).

250 people test the 7,500 candidates drawn at random to attend the Indochina concert.

LP / Arnaud Journois

After this test, a new draw will take place: 5,000 will really be able to attend the Indochina show and 2,500 will unfortunately stay at home.

"Seven days after the concert, we will be able to compare the number of positive people between the participants and those who did not go," explains, from the empty stands, Constance Delaugerre, professor of virology at the Paris Saint-Louis hospital , and the investigator of this clinical trial.

This will allow us to assess the over-risk.

To find out, see you at the end of June.


A few crying fits

Once past the cotton swab step in the pit, everyone leaves with two blue envelopes. “Inside, there are two saliva self-samples,” shows Philippe, 20, a big fan of the group, while waiting for his results in the hall. One will be done the day of the concert, given on site to the researchers who will analyze it later, the others, unlucky, will send it by post and rebelote, a week later. What to make some disappointed.

Especially since to be able to participate in this clinical trial, the selection has already been rigorous: it is necessary, in particular, to be between 18 and 45 years old and no comorbidity.

So, that very morning, a few obese people had to be dismissed from the experiment, not without a few bursts of tears.

"We can not take the risk that they catch the Covid and do a serious form, justifies Jean-Marc Treluyer, the coordinator of this project, imagined three months ago.

But, they will all have a consolation prize, ”he promises.

A still secret surprise.

Philippe, 20, a big fan of the group, awaits his results in the hall of the Accor Arena.

LP / Arnaud Journois

What if, for lack of a favorable draw, some decided to withdraw from the study?

“It is our greatest fear, book Constance Delaugerre.

But many tell us that they are ready to go through with it.


"Even if I am not taken, I will play the game"

Just to consider it, the fear can be read behind his round glasses. “I'll be so disgusted. Besides, it's my birthday in a few days ”, launches, trembling, Emma. At the same time, in the hall, the music of "Our Celebrations" begins to resonate. On her chair, the student closes her eyes and begins to hum. Indochina, her father is a fan, too, it's a family affair, her first concert, at 9, and her last, before the crisis. “Even if I'm not taken, I'll play along. We all want cultural life to resume. “In the event of withdrawal, thousands on the waiting list await their turn.

But why not screen the participants earlier? Why impose the mask when in England, test concerts, without a mask, only resulted in a few contaminations? And how can you be sure that they keep it? "Precisely, this experiment will allow us to adapt the protocol, to find the best for the resumption of concerts", replies Constance Delaugerre while smart cameras will tell if the mask is well worn in the pit.

Ventilation, no catering, hydroalcoholic gel, the rules will be strict this Saturday. That's it, in the hall, the test results fall in turn. “Houhou,” Emma exclaims, discovering that she is negative. Same smile for Philippe when he leaves the Arena. In the meantime, the only concert they were able to attend, on leaving, is that of the horns of the coach operators, who were demonstrating in Bercy.