The Limited Times

Match of the Heart: Pecchini, never said anything sexist

5/28/2021, 7:56:26 AM

"Ciro, Aurora and I interacted a few minutes before dinner. (ANSA) (ANSA) - ROME, MAY 26 - "Ciro, Aurora and I interacted a few minutes before dinner. I took responsibility for the good of the event and the fundraiser but, coldly and after the numerous attacks and insults received, I want to categorically clarify that I have never told them anything non-sexist ". This was stated by Gian Luca Pecchini, resigning director of the National Singers. "A media pillory h

(ANSA) - ROME, MAY 26 - "Ciro, Aurora and I interacted a few minutes before dinner. I took responsibility for the good of the event and the fundraiser but, coldly and after the numerous attacks and insults received, I want to categorically clarify that I have never told them anything non-sexist ".

This was stated by Gian Luca Pecchini, resigning director of the National Singers.

"A media pillory has been unleashed on me, on my family and on the name of the Association. I ask Ciroe to Aurora of The Jackal to be honest and to clarify that, in our very rapid dialogue, I have never uttered anything sexist at all".