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Michel Fourniret buried in a mass grave in the Paris region

5/28/2021, 11:54:26 PM

The Ogre des Ardennes was buried by the town hall of Paris in the “square of the indigent” of the cemetery of Thiais, in the Val-de-Marne.

Died on May 10 at 79 at the Pitié-Salpêtrière hospital in the capital, Michel Fourniret was buried 10 days later by the Paris city hall, his family not wishing to recover his body, reports

Le Parisien


One of the worst French serial killers was therefore buried on May 19 by the Paris municipality in the cemetery of Thiais, in Val-de-Marne.

Read also: Death of Fourniret: the macabre journey of a criminal sentenced twice to life imprisonment

The only solution is the mass grave.

No way he rests near us.

We do not want to have anything to do with this story

”, testify the daughter of Michel Fourniret and one of his former companions to the



The ex-spouses as well as the children of the serial killer not wishing to recover the body of Michel Fourniret, the city of Paris, where the murderer died, was therefore obliged to take care of the funeral.

To read also: Death of Michel Fourniret: who is Monique Olivier, the ex-wife of the Ogre des Ardennes?

The Ogre des Ardennes was placed in the “square of the indigent”, a part of the cemetery intended for the burials of unclaimed bodies, which is none other than the old mass grave of the cemetery.