The Limited Times

On the verge of a deal to 2000 clients, the apprentice traffickers from the Oise supplied "hash and heroin"

5/28/2021, 11:52:32 PM

Three defendants, aged 18 to 32, were sentenced to terms ranging from six to nine months in prison. Far from presenting a profile i

Blades slide over her plump, childish cheeks and end up absorbed by the mask.

Throughout the hearing, Antoine D. sniffles in his sleeve.

The traffic, he got into it without thinking too much.

“I live there

(Editor's note: at Clos-des-Roses)

, they offered to me, I said no, I said no and, at one point, I said yes.

“Out of school since the age of 16, this young adult began by being a lookout for 30 euros per day.

"It means that I warned when the police arrived, I shouted

It passes", he

explains, this Tuesday, in front of the judicial court of Compiègne.

Then, he became a salesman, for 50 euros a day.

“I worked from 11 am until 8 pm.

Seven days a week, he was found there, sometimes standing, sometimes sitting on a sofa installed in this deal point located on rue Alexandre-Dumas, in Clos-des-Roses.

"His face was hidden"

From May 6, police surveillance made it possible to learn more about the functioning of this network, which was beginning to have its small success.

According to their estimates, nearly 2000 consumers come to get their supplies here, each month, for a monthly profit which turns between 10,000 and 40,000 euros.

During the arrests, nearly 46 g of cannabis, 156 g of heroin and cash were found.

Behind the glass, the two other defendants, Medhi S. and Christophe L., are not leading off either.

Read also In Compiègne, the dealers used the scaffolding to hide drugs on the roof

Identified by the police, the three were sentenced to terms ranging from twelve months 'imprisonment, including six months suspended, to eighteen months' imprisonment, nine of which were suspended.

"What were you selling?

»Asks the president.

"Weed and heroin," responds an accused.

"How did you find her?"

As is often the case in these cases, it is impossible to know the identity of the suppliers.

“Someone was bringing them back to me, his face was hidden,” Antoine replies.

"A position was free, so I accepted"

Medhi, him, will declare that he cannot say anything, "under penalty of reprisals".

A white polo shirt on the shoulders, the stripped-down look, the 18-year-old is educated in a professional high school, in the south of the Oise.

He, too, entered the traffic during a meeting.

“Someone was missing, a position was free so I accepted,” he explains.

"You speak of a position as in a company," notes the president.

It really denotes the structuring of the point of sale.

Then the young man became a supplier.

“I had to collect the money and supply the drug dealers.


Read also Drugs: in the Oise, clashes multiply between drug dealers and police, disrupting the lives of residents

The third, Christophe L. has just completed his training as a lumberjack. Father of a little girl, he claims to have a minor role in trafficking. However, the material elements are there and their proven presence, recalls the president. So why ? “I don't know, I needed the money,” Antoine sobs, trying to justify himself: “Only my father works, there are six of us at home. It allowed me to buy clothes for my brothers and me. "Medhi, he declares to have finished, his objective is to become" real estate agent ".

Faced with these profiles, the lawyers try to point out the inexperience of the defendants and their almost deserted criminal records. When one compares them to "soldiers who follow the directives", recalling the sociological context of a district "where 26% of the inhabitants are unemployed", the other considers "that we have in front of us money. - contractors, who participate in the organization but we cannot put the weight of the structure on them ”. The three defendants were kept in detention.