The Limited Times

The situation in the morning: Joe Biden's declaration of war on China

5/28/2021, 8:23:25 PM

The US President wants to investigate the origin of the corona pandemic in more detail. Vaccination summit consults with the Chancellor about child vaccinations. And: Alexander Lukashenko is a bad liar. That is the situation on Thursday.

New trouble threatens between Beijing and Washington

The announcement seems quite harmless at first, but it has it all: US President Joe Biden has tasked the US intelligence services with redoubling their efforts in the search for the

source of the coronavirus pandemic


He also ordered the services to give him the results of their investigations in 90 days.

That is new.

So far, Biden had always relied on the formula that the international community should investigate the matter independently on the sensitive issue.

Now he is relying on his own results and is taking the side of all those who are calling for a more aggressive US line in the matter.

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US President Biden


Biden's announcement could put a strain on the already strained relationship between the US and China.

If the US services come to the conclusion in their investigations that the virus


come from the mysterious

research laboratory in Wuhan

, China would be exposed to the global public.

In addition, the pressure would increase in the USA to punish China for the alleged wrongdoing in some form.

For example through sanctions.

At the same time, the

anti-China sentiment

in parts of the USA could continue to rise in the coming weeks. She is fueled by the sideline of ex-President Donald Trump, who said he had few doubts that the virus came from the laboratory in Wuhan. One can now omit the word "probably" in reports about it, said Trump in an interview. But even Democrats are now calling for Biden to crack down on Beijing. You accuse the Chinese leadership of being intransparent in clearing up the matter.

Biden himself, however, is still a bit more cautious.

He said US intelligence



different theories

, some supporting the laboratory orthosis, others continuing to believe that the virus was transmitted from animals to humans.

According to media reports, the number of US experts who now believe that the virus actually came from the laboratory is apparently growing behind the scenes.

Most recently, the "Wall Street Journal" caused a sensation with a report that employees from the laboratory in Wuhan had already been sick in the fall of 2019.

China has dismissed the report as nonsense.

  • Biologist on the origin of the coronavirus: The new vortex surrounding the laboratory orthosis - and what's behind it

Vaccination summit advises on children and vaccine distribution

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Chancellor Merkel

Photo: Michael Kappeler / dpa

Chancellor Angela Merkel (CDU) and the prime ministers of the federal states are meeting today

for their next vaccination summit.

There's a lot to talk about.

Among other things, it is about the question of when and how children and adolescents should be vaccinated.

Many countries are putting pressure on this, but so far there is neither a concrete plan nor a secure supply of

sufficient vaccine

to ensure swift vaccinations.

Above all, there is still the unresolved question of whether the

Standing Vaccination Commission (Stiko)

wants to recommend vaccination for children and adolescents in general.

If she does not do this, many parents will probably consider even more carefully whether they want their children to be vaccinated at all.

Then the virus can continue to circulate and mutate in this age group.

Another important point of the meeting is likely to be the supply of vaccines, especially with a view to the

lifting of vaccination priorities

on June 7th.

Before the meeting, several prime ministers called on the federal government to provide more vaccine.

For example,

Hamburg's First Mayor Peter Tschentscher (SPD)


that more than 40,000 doses of vaccine had not been delivered to his country.

"The vaccine distribution in Germany is unfair," Tschentscher told SPIEGEL.

“The disadvantage increases every week.

There has to be a swift compensation. «In no other country had so little vaccine been delivered as in Hamburg.

  • Before vaccination summit: Peter Tschentscher criticizes vaccine distribution

Lukashenko is also a bad liar

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Alexander Lukashenko

Photo: Sergei Shelega / dpa

It is often said that the Belarusian ruler Alexander Lukashenko is trying to copy his role model, Vladimir Putin. But the comparison between the two is crooked, because Putin is

clearly a few classes better than the Belarusian autocrat


tricking, camouflaging and deceiving


Lukashenko and his agents are pretty bad liars, as the crisis surrounding the hijacked

Ryanair jet

shows. Lukashenko had forced the plane to land in Minsk in order to arrest the opposition blogger

Roman Protasewitsch

. To cover up the matter, Lukashenko and his people made up the fairy tale of the

alleged bomb threat from

the Palestinian Hamas. They serve up this story in variations to get out of the affair.

Curious: the email that apparently contained the alleged bomb threat was probably

only received

on Sunday

at 12:57 p.m.

on an account at Minsk Airport - almost half an hour after the Belarusian flight control notified the Ryanair pilot of an alleged explosive device on board would have. The email was leaked to the London Dossier Center; SPIEGEL was able to see the content and times.

It has been faked better: The email has the

subject line "Allahu Akbar".

And: It was sent from the account of an "".

On Twitter, this choice of name in particular causes a lot of ridicule.

Investigative journalist Michael Weiss noted with amusement that Yurlanov is a common Jewish surname.

The real Hamas would probably not use that.

  • Internal e-mail: Belarus urged a Ryanair jet to land - even before the alleged bomb threat was received

Loser of the day ...

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Shell logo

Photo: Toby Melville / REUTERS

... is Europe's largest energy group


. The company suffered a major defeat before a court in the Dutch city of The Hague. The court ordered the oil multinational to drastically reduce its carbon dioxide emissions. Shell had to reduce its CO₂ emissions by 45 percent net by 2030 compared to 2019, the court ruled. Never before has a company been forced by a judge to take drastic climate protection measures.

It is a victory for David over Goliath: Among others, environmentalists from the Milieudefensie group complained that Shell had long been accusing Shell of being an important driver of global CO₂ emissions through its oil and gas production.

If Shell were to actually implement the ruling, the group would probably have to part with a large part of its oil and gas business.

The Goliath now wants to appeal.

But David will probably not give up until the matter is finally decided.

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I wish you a good start to the day.

Your Roland Nelles

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