The Limited Times

Vaccination summit with Merkel today: country leaders angry in advance - Germany threatens the next corona bang

5/28/2021, 10:17:45 PM

Is there enough vaccine for everyone in the summer? How and when are children and adolescents vaccinated? The vaccination summit on Thursday will deal with such questions. News ticker.

Is there enough vaccine for everyone in the summer?

How and when are children and adolescents vaccinated?

The vaccination summit on Thursday will deal with such questions.

News ticker.

  • On Thursday, Chancellor Angela Merkel * (CDU *) and the prime ministers of the federal states will meet for the vaccination summit.

    Thematically, it should be about Corona * vaccinations for schoolchildren, vaccination logistics and the vaccination pass

    (see first report).

  • Prime ministers make it clear in advance: They want answers from the federal government regarding an "unjust" vaccine distribution

    (see update from May 27, 7:10 a.m.)

  • Health Minister Jens Spahn (CDU) wants to focus more on socially disadvantaged people for the vaccination campaign

    (see update from May 27, 9:05 a.m.)


  • This news ticker for the vaccination summit is continuously updated.

Update from May 27, 9:05 a.m.:

Today everything revolves around the subject of corona vaccinations in Germany between Chancellor Angela Merkel (CDU) and the country chiefs. Federal Health Minister Jens Spahn (CDU) said on Thursday that he wanted to focus more on socially disadvantaged people in the vaccination campaign. There should be more low-threshold vaccination offers for these people - for example “in front of supermarkets, on marketplaces or in churches or mosques”. There are people "for whom it is a hurdle to call the doctor or to register at the vaccination center by phone or online". A vaccination offer must also be made to these people. Spahn described the vaccination summit in the afternoon as the “summit of the interim balance”.

Lower Saxony's Prime Minister Stephan Weil (SPD) has meanwhile reacted with incomprehension to signals from the Standing Vaccination Commission (Stiko) that it may not be making a general vaccination recommendation for children for the time being

(see initial report)

. "Children and adolescents can become infected and pass the virus on, so they have to get a vaccination offer - provided that there is approval, in which the benefits and risks have been weighed," he told the

editorial network Germany

. "The fact that the permanent vaccination commission is suddenly questioning the meaning of a comprehensive vaccination of schoolchildren in principle irritates me and many other people as well."

Weil asked the federal government to provide the necessary vaccination doses for vaccinating the students.

“The Federal Minister of Health has aroused the clear expectation that all pupils will be offered a vaccination as soon as the vaccine has been approved for them.

I expect that the federal government will then also make the corresponding vaccine doses available in sufficient numbers, ”said Weil.

Corona vaccination summit with Chancellor Merkel: Greens health politician sees preference for schoolchildren as critical

Update from May 27, 8.25 a.m.:

Corona vaccine is only available in limited quantities.

Even if more cans are now being delivered, this fact remains unchanged.

This means: Not all those who want to be vaccinated can receive a vaccination offer straight away. But now corona vaccinations are also being discussed for children and adolescents. Janosch Dahmen, health politician from the Greens, is critical of giving students preference for corona vaccinations. "It is important to vaccinate parents, relatives and relatives, teachers and pedagogical staff, before in a final step - in the case of a recommendation by the Standing Vaccination Commission (Stiko) - we also get parts of children and adolescents to be able to vaccinate, ”he said in the ARD“ morning magazine ”. So far, many people in the risk groups have not been vaccinated.

If it is ensured that the vaccines are sufficiently effective and that no serious side effects occur, SPD leader Saskia Esken, on the other hand, pleads for children over the age of twelve and all parents to be offered vaccinations quickly, she told the newspapers of the

Funke media group


At the same time, she made Federal Health Minister Jens Spahn (CDU) responsible for getting more vaccines.

Vaccination summit with Merkel: Prime ministers see “unjust vaccine distribution” in Germany

Update from May 27, 7:10 a.m.:

Corona vaccinations for children and adolescents: This is one of the big topics that the federal and state governments will discuss at the vaccination summit on Thursday from 2 p.m.

(see first report)

. The federal states are currently preparing concepts, with each government going its own way to a certain extent.

Berlin's governing mayor Michael Müller (SPD) demanded a realistic timetable for possible vaccinations in advance. “It is good that the vaccination campaign is gaining momentum. But we cannot rest on that and now we have to set the course for the next steps, ”he told the German Press Agency. Good organization is important for the coming weeks when the vaccination prioritization is lifted. Reliability helps more than some early announcements. And also important in his opinion: “When booster vaccinations are necessary, speed counts. The vaccination campaign must now be prepared for such scenarios. "

Brandenburg's Prime Minister Dietmar Woidke (SPD) and Hamburg's mayor Peter Tschentscher (SPD) criticized the vaccine distribution among the federal states.

"Brandenburg gets less than other countries in percentage terms," ​​said Woidke to the

editorial network in Germany


"I want to know why that is," said the SPD politician.

Basically, the federal government must deliver the announced vaccination quantities.

According to Tschentscher, a good 40,000 doses of vaccine have not been delivered to his country.

"The vaccine distribution in Germany is unfair," he told



“The disadvantage increases every week.

There must now be a compensation quickly. ”If this does not come, the first vaccinations in the Hamburg vaccination center could no longer be given in June, warned Tschentscher.

Vaccination summit with Merkel: Prime Minister with clear demands on the federal government


Chancellor Angela Merkel exchanges ideas with the country leaders on Thursday.

(Archive image)

© Markus Schreiber / dpa

First report

from May 27th:

Berlin - May 27th is vaccination summit day in Germany, because many questions about corona vaccinations are still open.

Chancellor Angela Merkel (CDU) and the 16 prime ministers therefore come together for a video conference.

As usual, a press conference is planned to follow the deliberations from 2 p.m.

Three major topics are on the agenda:

  • Vaccinations for students

  • the digital vaccination certificate

  • vaccination logistics in summer

Vaccination summit on Thursday with Merkel: wait for Stiko recommendation for children's vaccination?

No corona vaccine has yet been approved by the European Medicines Agency (EMA) for people under the age of 16. But a decision on the approval of the Biontech / Pfizer * corona vaccine for older children is conceivable this week. That is why the heads of government want to be prepared. The federal and state health ministers are striving to offer children and adolescents from the age of twelve a vaccination offer by the end of August.

But the topic is controversial: Federal Health Minister * Jens Spahn (CDU) spoke out in favor of including children and adolescents in the vaccination campaign - even if there was no corresponding recommendation from the Standing Vaccination Commission (Stiko). Stiko member Rüdiger von Kries expressed skepticism in the


about a general vaccination recommendation for children and adolescents.

The reason for this is the unclear risk of a corona vaccination in children.

At the moment, "nothing" is known about the side effects of corona vaccinations in children, said von Kries.

"If the risk is unclear, I cannot foresee at the moment that there will be a vaccination recommendation for a general vaccination," he said.

NRW Prime Minister Armin Laschet (CDU) announce that his country will adhere to the recommendations of the Stiko.

Thuringia's Prime Minister Bodo Ramelow (Left *) also pleaded for waiting for the stiko to be determined.

There is also discussion of where students could be vaccinated quickly.

There are also unanswered questions about the debate as to whether federal states that are more likely to start their summer holidays should also be supplied with vaccines for young people first.

Corona vaccination summit in Germany: the digital vaccination certificate is coming

In addition, the digital vaccination certificate is now in the starting blocks.

EU countries and the EU Parliament recently agreed on details of a Europe-wide certificate * to prove corona vaccinations, tests and survived Covid-19 diseases.

However, Germany is still faced with the challenge of providing this electronic proof to those who have already been vaccinated.

General practitioners already fear the bureaucratic effort that this entails.

Prime ministers urge vaccine replenishment - consultations at the vaccination summit with Merkel

Because more vaccine is now being delivered than at the beginning of the year, the vaccination campaign in Germany has recently gained momentum.

According to figures from the Robert Koch Institute (RKI), 14.8 percent are already fully vaccinated, 40.8 percent at least once

(as of May 26, 12.50 p.m.)


But the news that Biontech will reduce the delivery volume of its corona vaccine in the coming weeks is clouding the mood somewhat.


Armin Laschet (CDU), Prime Minister of North Rhine-Westphalia, on Wednesday after the visit to the vaccination center in Düsseldorf.

© Federico Gambarini / dpa

CDU boss Armin Laschet had already asked the federal government before the vaccination summit to procure sufficient vaccine for the summer. The vaccination campaign will only continue as long as supplies are being made. The federal government must "do everything to ensure that there are no dents or failures in summer."

The Rhineland-Palatinate Prime Minister Malu Dreyer (SPD *) also wants more reliability in vaccine distribution: "Above all, we need more transparency and reliability around the quantitative and fair distribution of vaccines according to the population key per federal state." "To urgently provide more vaccine for the vaccination centers and the resident doctors, especially if all vaccination priorities are to be lifted by June 7th," said Dreyer.

If additional groups of doctors, such as company doctors, were included in the campaign, additional vaccine would have to be made available.

(cibo / dpa / AFP) * is an offer from IPPEN.MEDIA.

List of rubric lists: © Markus Schreiber / dpa