The Limited Times

Erdogan, the Taksim mosque fulfills a 150-year dream

5/30/2021, 9:11:50 PM

"The Taksim mosque has already become one of the symbolic places of Istanbul" and "is like a greeting addressed to the Hagia Sophia mosque, which we have recently reopened for worship. (ANSA)

(ANSA) - ISTANBUL, MAY 28 - "The Taksim mosque has already become one of the symbolic places of Istanbul" and "it is like a greeting addressed to the Hagia Sophia mosque, which we have recently reopened for worship. It is a gift on this 568th anniversary of the conquest Ottoman of Istanbul "(which occurs tomorrow, ed).

   This was stated by Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, inaugurating the new building of worship in the iconic metropolis square on the Bosphorus.

    "One of the promises we made when I was elected mayor of Istanbul", in 1994, "was to build this mosque. We could not keep this promise then.

   When I became prime minister we had to deal with the protests in Gezi Park. But no one will be able to stop the appeals from praying. We managed to repel all the attacks. Today - added Erdogan - we have realized a nation's dream that lasted a century and a half ". (ANSA).