The Limited Times

The Social Welfare Department has distributed more than 2 million problematic masks, one of the homes on the list of epidemic outbreaks has received defective goods successively

5/31/2021, 12:23:54 PM

The Hong Kong government purchased about 1.12 billion masks on a large scale worldwide last year. It was later discovered that one-third of them were related to quality problems. However, 3.27 million have been "inflowed" to various government departments. The Logistics Department only disclosed relevant details after media enquiries.

Social News

Written by: Chen Shuxia

2021-05-29 08:00

Last update date: 2021-05-29 08:00

The Hong Kong government purchased about 1.12 billion masks on a large scale worldwide last year. It was later discovered that one-third of them were related to quality problems. However, 3.27 million have been "inflowed" to various government departments. The Logistics Department only disclosed relevant details after media inquiries.

The Social Welfare Department, which was issued with 2.73 million problematic masks and belonged to the "big family", recently requested the hospitals to recall the masks produced by the mainland company "Changdong Medical Device Group" on the grounds of quality. However, the distribution date has passed. In 1988, some institutions criticized the Social Welfare Department for "sighing slow."

In response to the "Hong Kong 01" inquiry, the SWD stated that in April last year, a total of nearly one million masks were distributed to 80 NGOs and 674 institutions. In addition, a total of 1.729 million other brands of masks were distributed in batches last year. The masks in question, according to the list provided by the Social Welfare Department, indicate that the institutions that have had outbreaks of the epidemic are on the list, and they have successively received "substandard" masks.

The Logistics Department had purchased Medicom masks that violated the Trade Description Regulations and distributed them to government departments. The Customs arrested the relevant suppliers in July last year.

(Information Picture/Photo by Luo Junhao)

3.27 million questions were distributed to various departments and the Social Welfare Department became a "big family"

When the Financial Services and the Treasury Bureau responded to the Legislative Council’s enquiry in February this year, it disclosed that as of the end of December last year, the Logistics Department had found about 83.7 million suspected problematic masks, of which more than half had quality problems, about 45 million, of which about 3.27 million. It has been distributed to various government departments, but the bureau has not explained the whereabouts of the masks involved.

After enquiring by the media, the Logistics Department began to disclose the details. The Social Welfare Department was a "large household" and received a total of about 2.73 million; followed by the Police Department, which received 326,000; Customs, Working Family and Student Financial Aid Office, and Civil Affairs Departments such as the Service Department also receive relevant masks.

The Hong Kong government purchased approximately 1.12 billion masks on a large scale worldwide last year and distributed them to various government departments.

(Profile picture)

The hospital has received medical masks from Changdong, Henan that need to be recycled in recent months

In recent months, the institutions have received notifications from the Social Welfare Department that they need to recall the masks produced by the company "Changdong Medical Devices Group Co., Ltd." in Henan Province, because the brand of masks does not meet the claimed standards. The problems include particle filtration efficiency, etc. The institutions were immediately suspended.

Some institutions questioned the Hong Kong government's "sigh of slowness". After more than a year of distribution, they realized afterwards and made a "remedy." "It was too late and it was superfluous. It was already used early in the morning."

According to data from the China National Medical Products Administration, the "disposable sterile medical masks" produced by Changdong were found to have failed bacterial filtration efficiency in October last year and requested to be recycled.

As for the masks involved in the recall requested by the Social Welfare Department, the packaging indicates that it complies with the "YY0469-2011" standard for medical surgical masks in China.

Since April last year, the Social Welfare Department has dispatched over 1,000 Hong Kong-Thailand elderly care centers

The SWD replied that there are about 2.73 million masks supplied by the Logistics Department that may be of questionable quality. They are mainly distributed to subvented non-governmental organizations and other residential service units for use by employees.

According to the distribution list provided by the SWD, "Changdong Masks" had been distributed to 80 NGOs and 674 institutions as early as April last year, a total of 591,000 and 406,000; as for other problem masks, they were distributed at In early May, mid-May, early June and mid-August, it was distributed to 147 NGOs and 665 homes in 4 times, with a total of 907,000 and 822,000 respectively.

In the past one and a half years, several hospitals have successively broken out epidemics. According to the information, they have received problematic masks distributed by the Social Welfare Department one after another.

At the end of November last year, the Tung Wah Group of Hospitals Fang Shuquan Day Activity Center and Dormitory, where the epidemic broke out and the largest number of people infected (85 people), its affiliated Tung Wah Group of Hospitals received a total of 168,000 problematic masks distributed by the Social Welfare Department; followed by 46 cases of infections. The infected Tsz Wan Shan Gang Thai Elderly Care Center has also been assigned 1,200.

The rest of the hospitals that had been exposed to the epidemic had also been given problematic masks before the diagnosis of the case.

The third wave of the epidemic broke out. Many elders and staff of the Tszyunshan Gangtai Nursing Center were infected. It turned out that the center had received 1,200 problematic masks.

(Photo by Liang Pengwei)

The Fang Shuquan Day Activity Center and Dormitory of the Tung Wah Group of Hospitals, which had a large-scale outbreak, and its non-governmental organization Tung Wah Group of Hospitals, received a total of 168,000 problematic masks distributed by the Social Welfare Department.

(Profile picture)

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