The Limited Times

They find a young woman kidnapped by her father two years ago. The man is a "nearly untraceable" computer expert

5/31/2021, 10:49:39 AM

Daphne Westbrook, 18, was abducted along with her pets. "They supplied her with drugs and alcohol that kept her in an altered state of mind," the authorities denounce. But hunting the criminal has proven almost impossible.

Daphne Westbrook, an 18-year-old teenager who disappeared in 2019 after spending a weekend with her father, was found alive earlier this week in Sampson, Alabama, 350 miles from her home in Chattanooga, Tennessee. .

However, the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) is still looking for her father, John Westbrook, who is accused of keeping her kidnapped for almost two years.

The man is a cybersecurity and cryptocurrency expert who "is communicating in a way that is nearly impossible to trace, making it extremely difficult to find clues," the Hamilton County District Attorney's Office said last March. 

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The Tennessee Bureau of Investigation

The teenager disappeared along with her two pets, and was kept in captivity and isolated "from the outside world," according to the Prosecutor's Office.

"He is in danger physically and mentally," he said before being rescued. 

In an interview with the local station WRCB-TV, authorities said in March that the young woman "was given drugs and alcohol that kept her in an altered state of mind.  

John Westbrook lives off the earnings he makes from casual computer security jobs loaned to small businesses in multiple states, according to researchers.

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Westbrook, 41, has a fair complexion, blue eyes, and brown hair;

he weighs 200 pounds and is six feet four inches tall.

"Expect new advances in the next two weeks," said the Prosecutor's Office this Friday.

With information from Fox News and WRCBtv

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