The Limited Times

Hugo Yasky said that Rodríguez Larreta has 'a position that is really criminal'

6/1/2021, 12:22:47 PM

The CTA leader also pointed out that the head of the City Government cannot govern "by looking at opinion polls."

05/29/2021 11:01 AM

  • Clarí

  • Politics

Updated 05/29/2021 11:01 AM

After the head of the Buenos Aires Government, Horacio Rodríguez Larreta, announced the return to face-to-face classes in gardens and primary school starting next Monday, the secretary general of the Central de Trabajadores de la Argentina (CTA) and national deputy, Hugo Yasky, affirmed this Saturday that this decision speaks of

"a position that really is criminal



"A matter of reading opinion polls and moving forward with

a position that is really criminal, because here the lives of many Argentines are at stake

. We all know that if the country does not contribute to lower the level of contagion ... No is that CABA viruses are going to remain in CABA, that's ridiculous, "Yasky pointed out.

Speaking to radio

AM 750

, he warned that the position of the City Government is "very irresponsible", and fired: "Those decisions define between life and death.


Politics must have


ethical limit

, because it cannot be an all-purpose ".

Along these lines, the trade unionist considered that "the head of the City of Buenos Aires has already

crossed all limits

a long time ago", but "lame

It is definitely what there is. "

"It is the logic of

contempt for life

, the logic of impunity that power grants. It is not only the problem that teachers are infected, it is the problem that it is scientifically proven that presence favors contagion," he said.

For Yasky, in the City

ad they took school attendance as a

"political flag

", which is why "now they cannot do anything other than continue deepening the aberration they did when they decided that the school year was not suspended".

The union member assured that Horacio Rodríguez Larreta "crossed all limits a long time ago."

Photo: Rolando Andrade Stracuzzi.

Along these lines, he questioned that the Buenos Aires administration did not enable virtual classes during the nine days of strict confinement decreed by President Alberto Fernández, since "it was to recognize that there could be continuity of educational activity without considering it in terms of physical presence" .

"In Europe, with a number of cases far below what we have today, I would say with a quarter of what we have today in Argentina,

the school year was suspended and no one discussed

anything because the issue was not to protect teachers , not even children, it was to protect society, "he said.

Regarding the management of the coronavirus pandemic, Yasky said that "the governors are far from living up to what the circumstance demands."

"There are governors, even those of the ruling party, who are


for the President (Alberto Fernández) to take the measures, when the provinces have exploded in terms of contagion," said the national deputy.

Finally, he assured that in the face of the second wave of covid-19 in Argentina "

you cannot act with speculation,

" and added: "Nobody wants to have to assume the role of the one who sets a limit, the one who establishes a decision that we already know that generates discomfort, but you cannot delegate everything to the one who is above if one has the responsibility of governing a province. "

"You cannot govern, as Mr. Larreta does, at a time like this

reading opinion polls

. You have to read what those who know about the crisis that we are experiencing from covid are saying," he said.


Look also

Horacio Rodríguez Larreta: "If the Government sends the vaccines, in mid-June we could have those over 18 years of risk vaccinated"

Rodríguez Larreta's announcement: one by one, how the restrictions continue in the City as of Monday