The Limited Times

Vaccine FAQ|Injection will kill sperm, and Fubitai will cause cancer? The doctors solved the myths about vaccines one by one

6/3/2021, 4:27:48 PM

The new crown vaccination program in Hong Kong has been in operation for more than three months. More than 1.3 million citizens have already received the first injection, and about 950,000 citizens have completed the two injections. Many citizens are suffering from medical conditions and have not yet determined whether their physical conditions are suitable for vaccinating the new crown

Social News

Written by: Li Enci

2021-05-31 08:00

Last update date: 2021-05-31 08:00

The new crown vaccination program in Hong Kong has been in operation for more than three months. More than 1.3 million citizens have already received the first injection, and about 950,000 citizens have completed the two injections.

Many citizens are suffering from medical conditions and have not yet determined whether their physical conditions are suitable for the new crown vaccine, causing widespread "vaccination hesitation."

"Hong Kong 01" asks family doctors Lin Yonghe and Chen Niande to answer whether patients with strange and intractable diseases are suitable for injections, and explain how to control their condition.

▼See the details of the scheduled vaccination and side effects of Kexing and BioNTech in the three pictures (updated version)▼

Family doctor Lin Yonghe.

(Information Picture/Photo by Zhong Weide)

Q: I heard that the sperm will die after being vaccinated, leading to infertility. Is it true?

A: Lin Yonghe said that there is no scientific basis in global research to show that the new crown vaccine affects the fertility of men and women. He pointed out that spermicidal and other claims are completely wrong.

He also pointed out that the human muscles have absorbed the vaccine protein and will not produce additional genes or ribonucleic acid, stressing that this will not affect children.

Chen Niande said bluntly about the impact of the new crown vaccine on fertility: "Absurd, absolutely nothing."

Q: I have asthma. I heard that it is not suitable for vaccination?

A: Lin Yonghe said that asthma is not one of the contraindications of vaccination. As long as the patient is healthy and comfortable on the day of the injection, the vaccination can be done. In the unfortunate event, the injection can be delayed for 1 to 2 days.

Chen Niande said that as long as it is not the moment of the onset, asthma patients can definitely get injections.

He pointed out that people with respiratory diseases have more severe symptoms after contracting new coronary pneumonia, so they need to be vaccinated against the new crown more than ordinary people.

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Q: I am easily allergic. Will vaccination cause eczema, skin sensitivity or nasal allergies?

A: Lin Yonghe said that sensitive patients also depend on their physical condition on the day of vaccination. "If you sneeze, or if the skin scars are too serious, you may be delayed." People with a history of severe allergies, such as those with a history of severe allergies. Patients who are sensitive and have shock or have difficulty breathing can consider allergy safety clinics to accept allergy tests for the new crown vaccine excipients.

Chen Niande said that there is no relationship between eczema and vaccines; as for skin sensitivity, it depends on the type. If the patient has a history of drug or vaccine allergy, be careful.

For example, he said that if some people are allergic to the inactivated influenza vaccine, they may not be suitable for vaccination, because the two work on the same principle.

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Q. I have been suffering from psoriasis. Will vaccination make my condition worse?

Lin Yonghe said that the disease may cause itching and even bacterial infection.

If the patient usually takes biological agents, methotrexate (MTX), or is treated with injections, plus the condition is stable on the day of the injection, the new crown vaccine can be vaccinated.

If the patient needs to take more than 20 mg of steroids for a long time, it may not be suitable for vaccination and should consult the attending doctor.

Q: There was a doctor who said that the Bita vaccine would cause cancer. Is it true?

Some doctors once said that the Fubitai nucleic acid vaccine can change the body's DNA and may cause cancer.

Yuan Guoyong, Chair Professor of the Department of Microbiology at the University of Hong Kong, believes that "it's ridiculous, it's impossible." Because the nucleic acid of the mRNA vaccine is quickly destroyed and decomposed by the environment, and the decomposition time of DNA is longer.

He continued that the human body needs a strong reverse transcriptase (reverse transcriptase) to turn RNA into DNA, which is almost impossible in science.

For example, he said that if there are cells in the body of an AIDS patient to multiply the HIV virus and release a large amount of reverse transcriptase, it is possible to turn RNA into DNA; at the same time, the shape of the DNA must be attached to the gene of the discoloration body, and the chance of occurrence in the human body is minimal.

Q: Can patients with lupus erythematosus not receive the new crown vaccine?

Lin Yonghe said that at the initial stage of the onset of the disease, the patient's condition is usually serious, such as persistent fever, severe joint pain, etc., or the injection may need to be delayed.

People who are in stable condition and take steroids no more than 20 mg daily are suitable for vaccination. It is recommended to check with the attending doctor which vaccine is better.

Chen Niande pointed out that this disease can affect the patient's immune system, and patients should pay attention to their condition and consult rheumatology specialists before getting an injection.

He continued that if the patient is taking heavy steroids or targeted drugs, it is not suitable for vaccinating the new crown vaccine, so as not to stimulate the immune system.

Q. Can a patient with rheumatoid arthritis but not take steroids be vaccinated?

Lin Yonghe said that patients who take heavy doses every day, that is, more than 20 mg of steroids may not be suitable for the new crown vaccine, so as not to affect the immune system.

And patients taking biological agents, methotrexate (MTX), etc. can get injections.

Chen Niande said that one of the pathogenesis of this disease may be that the immune system attacks the joints. Patients should also consult a rheumatology specialist before getting an injection.

Similarly, if the patient is taking heavy steroids or targeted drugs, it is not suitable for the new crown vaccine.

Q: If you have just had chickenpox or a snake, how long does it take to get an injection?

Lin Yonghe pointed out that people with chickenpox who have recovered for two weeks can get the new crown vaccine without scabs or infection.

The snake may be accompanied by various neuropathic pain, and the patient may feel more painful and hard to get an injection. He suggested that the patient should be vaccinated one month after recovery.

Chen Niande believes that people with chickenpox or snakes can get the new crown vaccine after one to two weeks of recovery.

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New crown pneumonia, new crown vaccine BioNTech/Fosun vaccine, Fubitai vaccine, new crown vaccine side effects, China Kexing

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