The Limited Times

Toloi: 'Ready and prepared for a great European'

6/6/2021, 12:18:27 AM

'Right there is enthusiasm, this Italy plays really well' (ANSA) '' The victory and the performance last night showed that we are ready and prepared to make a great European ''. This is what Rafael Toloi said, commenting on the 4-0 victory obtained by Italy in the friendly match against the Czech Republic from Coverciano, which also qualified for the continental competition that will begin on 11 June. '' It was an important test against a quality team, we playe

'' The victory and the performance last night showed that we are ready and prepared to make a great European ''. This is what Rafael Toloi said, commenting on the 4-0 victory obtained by Italy in the friendly match against the Czech Republic from Coverciano, which also qualified for the continental competition that will begin on 11 June. '' It was an important test against a quality team, we played a great match - continued the Brazilian-born Atalanta defender - And I find it normal that there is all this enthusiasm around the national team, we are fine, we play great. football, now we must continue to work as we have done so far. '' Among the strengths of Roberto Mancini's Italy is defense,just one goal conceded in the last 12 matches: '' It shows that we know how to defend ourselves well - smiled Toloi who with Jorginho and Emerson forms the mini colony of Italian Brazilians in blue - and when I say this I mean the whole team, there is great collaboration on and off the pitch, it's a very united group that helps each other. Already at the first call, two months ago, I immediately felt good ''.

    Being part of the 26 for the European Championship considers it a reward for his own growth but also and above all for that of his team: '' I am here thanks to Atalanta's work done over the years. There were many players who could have been part of this group, I'm happy to have been chosen by the coach Mancini, it's something special for which I have always worked to the maximum. I will do everything to make my contribution ''.

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