The Limited Times

Zhang Bingliang: Under the new election system, there is still room for the pan-democrats to survive. The Democratic Party should think about whether they will never stand for election

6/6/2021, 10:47:32 PM

Beijing took the initiative to reform Hong Kong’s electoral system. Zhang Bingliang, a professor of public administration at the University of Education and former Secretary of Transport and Housing, said that "loyal opposition" only represents opposition that is willing to accept the system, not

Political situation

Written by: Zhou Lixi

2021-06-06 12:21

Last update date: 2021-06-06 12:22

Beijing took the initiative to reform Hong Kong’s electoral system. Zhang Bingliang, a professor of public administration at the University of Education and former Secretary of Transport and Housing, said that "loyal opposition" only represents opposition that is willing to accept the system, and does not mean that everything is in favor of the central government or the SAR government.

He believes that after the restructuring, there is still room for the pan-people to survive, because the government must always find ways to absorb the sentiments of the people. It is even better for the government to enter the system for the pan-people, otherwise they may go to the streets again.

As for whether the Democratic Party should run for the election, Zhang Bingliang, a former member of the Democratic Party, pointed out that many pan-democratic factions have already expressed their non-election. The Democratic Party has great pressure both inside and outside the party, and it is not ruled out that it will not stand for the election.

However, he believes that the Democratic Party, as a political party with a long history in Hong Kong, should think about whether it will not be elected this time or will not stand for election in the future.

If you don’t stand for election, why do you want to form a party?

Zhang Bingliang: Singapore also values ​​opposition

Zhang Bingliang said in an interview on the commercial channel "Political Good Sunday" that the pan-people still have room to survive under the new electoral system, because from the perspective of social dynamics, society must express something, "Even a government without an electoral system will We must find ways to absorb the sentiments of the people."

He pointed out that about six adults in Hong Kong support the non-establishment factions, and a considerable proportion of them agree with the traditional pan-democratic parties, and it is a good thing for the government to have pan-democrats in the parliament.

Zhang Bingliang believes that how to deal with dissent is a big challenge, because policies can never be supported by everyone. He took Singapore as an example, and pointed out that in order to protect his People’s Action Party in power for a long time, Zhang Bingliang needed to review every election for a long time. At the same time, when there is no opposition party, it is even more necessary to appoint people who are not the party to make a custom balance; the current Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong has even arranged an official opposition party to emphasize that they will not ignore the opposition.

Since the emergence of the framework for restructuring, many voices in society describe the opposition that will join in the future as "loyal opposition."

Zhang Bingliang believes that "loyalty" should only represent the acceptance system, which can be accepted under the "Patriot Principle." He believes that the word "loyalty" is not needed too much.

How the election committee members contain the executive is unknown

As for the inclusion of the 40-seat electoral committee in the Legislative Council, Zhang Bingliang believes that it may not necessarily result in a "single word". It is still unknown what interests these newcomers will reflect in the future and how to contain the executive authorities.

He explained that "patriots ruling Hong Kong" is the principle that the central government adheres to in promoting the electoral reform. However, he believes that this is not implemented through election methods, but is part of the qualification review. Therefore, the composition of the Legislative Council Election Committee should have other considerations.

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Civil servants all over the world follow suit and should not attribute problems to public servants

Recently, the establishment has criticized the civil service system from time to time. Zhang Bingliang said that he would not think too much about the problem. He pointed out that civil servants all over the world are also doing things like this. Even under the leadership of a team elected under a democratic system, civil servants are required to implement order and achieve " There is a certain order and a certain progress." I think the civil service system itself is quite follow-up. We must see that it has certain restrictions, but we should not attribute all problems to civil servants.

He also mentioned that when he was a bureau chief, he would think about why he became a bureau chief. On the first day of work, he pointed out that he only asked two questions, "why" and "why not", as long as he If persuaded, they will follow the advice.

He emphasized that disputes between the Secretary and civil servants are not a problem, and that there may be a problem if there is no dispute. It depends on whether everyone appreciates each other and whether it is for the public good.

Some citizens were surrounded by police officers in front of Victoria Park Football Stadium.

(Profile picture)

I don’t think there is a law that prohibits mourning the June 4th letter and it’s not illegal to promote a democratic China.

In addition, the June 4th Victoria Park candlelight gathering was banned a few days ago. Zhang Bingliang believes that no law is allowed to mourn the June 4th incident. "Of course, politically, there may be officials in the central government who think that they should be put down after so many years, but this time the restriction refers to epidemic prevention. ".

However, he pointed out that the "end of one-party dictatorship" in the Five Outlines of the Stake seems to assume that there is a "one-party dictatorship" at present, but in fact the CCP is not the case now, so in 2018, the then director of the Liaison Office of the Central Committee Wang Zhimin also called it " False proposition".

He believed that it would not be illegal to promote "Democratic China", but said that this was just his personal opinion.


The June 4th Incident Patriots rule Hong Kong Zhang Bingliang Wang Zhimin Democratic Party civil servants