The Limited Times

Essonne: they file a complaint after Lucky, their bichon, was killed by a Bull Terrier

6/8/2021, 2:46:01 PM

During a walk in Vigneux-sur-Seine, Monday, May 24, a mastiff suddenly bit and killed Michelle's dog. Very shocked by dr

This Monday, May 24, Michelle (

the first name has been changed)

continues her walk in Vigneux-sur-Seine with Lucky, her little 3-year-old dog, york and bichon cross.

“As there was no one there, I kept him on a leash, but from quite a distance, 5 or 6 meters,” she said on Wednesday from her home in Vigneux.

Suddenly, around 8:30 p.m., at the entrance to the Port-aux-Cerises park, a “staff-type” dog rushes in and bites Lucky in the throat.

“The vet told us:

It's a predatory chinstrap bite, not to play, to kill,

” explains Yvan, her husband.


Lucky, a 3-year-old bichon dies between the fangs of a Bull Terrier, his masters file a complaint

The attack is so violent that Michelle has to let go of the leash.

“He grabbed Lucky by the neck and was going back and forth with it,” she continues.

A man came and ran after the dog.

Then he said: He

is dead


By reflex, Michelle films the end of the scene.

We see the muscular dog, in reality a Bull Terrier, holding the body of the inert bichon in its mouth, like game or a soft toy.


Shouts a man who tries to catch up with the dog, at this point without a leash.

Michelle wants an explanation, she gets kicked

Michelle lets out a cry of pain upon discovering the scene. The alleged owner of the mastiff then reproaches him for not having held his dog. "The man fled to his home, I followed him," continues the woman. In front of his building hall, he typed the digital code and to prevent me from entering, kicked me hard in the knee. "" He maintains that the blow is accidental, "blows a source close to the investigation. For this kick, Michelle was prescribed seven days of total incapacity for work (ITT).

After the police arrived, the real owner of the Bull Terrier finally introduced herself.

Whoever took it out was just a friend.

The police then escort Yvan to his home to bring back Lucky's remains.

“We put him in a small bag, in the trunk… And later, we cremated him,” he explains.

"We must be careful in this case, tempers a source close to the investigation.

The Bull Terrier was well on a leash.

Only the leashes of the two dogs were tangled.

The man then had to remove his leash to free himself.


To read also "I screamed and neighbors came to help me": a woman attacked by two mastiffs in the Val-d'Oise

On Tuesday, May 25, the couple filed a complaint at the Draveil police station for willful violence resulting in an ITT of less than eight days.

This complaint is about the kick.

But for the death of Lucky, no criminal qualification can engage the responsibility of the owner, because it is about a dog to dog attack.

“There is a kind of legislative hole,” comments Yvan.

The couple intends to claim damages

“Indeed, the qualification of reckless homicide from animal to animal does not exist in the criminal justice system, confirms the Evry-Courcouronnes prosecutor's office. On the other hand, it can be judged in civil if a fault is proven. Yvan intends to take steps to the end to obtain justice. He contacted several animal rights associations and wrote to the mayor of Vigneux-sur-Seine, who authorizes the owners of categorized dogs to circulate in his city. "Do we have to wait for someone to die before dealing with these kinds of problems?" »Asks Yvan in his mail.

"The mayor has the declarations of dogs of the Molossoid type," explains Arnaud Lhomme, of the investigation service of the association 30 Millions d'Amis.

He can decide to drive the dog to the pound, then ask for a behavioral study of levels 1 to 4 to be carried out. At 3 or 4, the dog is considered dangerous and can be euthanized ”.

Contacted, the mayor (LR) of Vigneux-sur-Seine, Thomas Chazal, confirms having received the couple's letter.

“We checked, this dog is an uncategorized Bull Terrier, it does not have to be muzzled, and it is up to date with its vaccines, indicates the elected official.

The owner has presented the papers, everything is in order.

She loves dogs, she was also devastated.


“For his part, the owner of the bichon can initiate a reconciliation with the insurance of that of the Bull Terrier to be compensated for moral damage and cremation costs, continues Arnaud Lhomme. If the conciliation does not work, he can go and claim civil interests. What the couple already intends to do. Yvan contemplates their large garden in Vigneux. “We miss him,” he thinks. In addition, if we moved to a house with a garden, it was also for the dog… ”

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