The Limited Times

Minimum investment, maximum return: this is how we make the most cheesy bread in the country - Walla! Food

6/8/2021, 11:57:23 PM

A simple and easy recipe for hysterical cheese bread cubes for dinner, entertaining or just when you are in a munch. Want to really go wild? Add bacon as well

  • Food

  • The art of cooking

Minimum investment, maximum return: this is how we make the most cheesy bread in the country

Calling it a recipe is a bit excessive, but still someone needs to teach you what to do here from an engineering point of view


  • Weeks

  • Cannabis

  • Cheeses

  • bread

  • toast

  • recipe

Gilad Meiri

Monday, 07 June 2021, 06:00 Updated: 11:33

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Disturbed ratio of investment to contribution.

Cheesebread Square (Photo: Assaf Ronen)

Preparing this dish requires minimal (relatively) concentration, and the return on investment in it is huge (or so it seems to those who eat the loaf under the influence).

To the delicious Instagram page of Walla!


and yet, I simplified the recipe, and adapted it to any level of motor ability, at any level of cannabis effect.

So that both those who are only slightly affected and those who find out that the task is too complex for them will receive an answer here, in an adaptation relevant to their affected situation.

In short: the people demand pastries, the people will get pastries - not just baked ones.

Under the influence, and not (only) because of cannabis

This is how you make corrupt marijuana brownies at home

To the full article

Cover of the cookbook "Manchis" (Photo: Assaf Ronen)

The book "Manches" by Gilad Meiri is a kind of friendly and comprehensive guide to cooking with cannabis and the experience of the manches that accompanies its consumption.

In the book you will discover how to make basic food ingredients the bearers of the healing properties of the plant and how to assimilate them in delicious, healthy and also corrupting recipes.

Dozens of recipes in the book are divided into basic ingredients (cannabis butter, cannabis oil, honey, mayonnaise, etc.), recipes with cannabis (energy bars, tahini cookies, chai masala, euphoric potato croquettes, etc.), and recipes for manzis (strange combinations, dips and dips healthy, indifferent nutrition and recipes that you can prepare under the influence (including instructions and warnings).

the book - the third Meiri after "cooking implement the road" and "foikh "- came out in April 2020 in the United States under the name High Cookery, has received rave reviews and sold thousands of copies.

For For more information, click here

A loaf of sourdough dripping cheese is adjusted to a degree of impact

Recipe By: Gilad Meiri, Walla!


  • 10 minutes work

  • 30 minutes total

  • Easy to prepare

  • 1 units

  • Recipes for Shavuot

  • milky

  • cheese

  • Lunch

  • Dinner

  • Not kosher

Cheese dripping bread (Photo: Assaf Ronen)

Conversion calculator


    • 1 loaf of light bread

    • 120 grams of cream cheese at room temperature

    • 3 stalks finely chopped green onion

    • 45 grams of melted butter

    • 2 cloves of crushed garlic

    • 1 teaspoon chili powder (optional)

    • 10 slices of cheese cut into strips (I prefer Monterey Jack or Provolone cheese, but feel free to use what suits you)

    • ½ Chopped bacon cup (optional)

To the conversion calculator


How do you make a loaf of bread dripping with cheese?

  • 1 Preheat oven to 180 degrees.

  • Using a bread knife, make diagonal cuts at the top of the square, about two to three inches apart, without detaching the bottom crust.

    Rotate the bread 90 degrees and cut sections diagonally across so that two and a half sections are obtained that divide the loaf into small squares.

  • 3 Spread the cream cheese inside the grooves.

  • 4 Mix well green onions, butter, garlic and chili powder (if desired).

    Drizzle the mixture generously between the bread slices (please do not skimp).

  • 5 Insert the strips of cheese, and the pieces of bacon (if desired) into the grooves in the square.

    Make sure the slices do not protrude from the loaf of bread but are tightly tucked inside.

  • 6 Spread a long sheet of aluminum foil along the marble and another sheet is spread across it, in a way that forms a kind of cross.

    Place the stuffed loaf of bread in the center of the cross and wrap it in foil.

    You should leave a slight space between the top of the square and the foil to prevent sticking.

  • 7 Bake in the oven for 15 minutes.

    Open the aluminum foil and bake for another 5-10 minutes.

    At the end of baking, tear the bread into carrots and place on the stuffed pastry.

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