The Limited Times

New crown pneumonia | News: Schools with 20 people can take a special bus to the principal of the vaccination center to urge arrangements as soon as possible

6/9/2021, 12:34:42 PM

The vaccination rate for teaching staff in Hong Kong’s primary and secondary schools is less than 20%. After the government approved the lowering of the minimum age for BioNTech vaccination to 12 years old last week, the Civil Service Bureau and the Education Bureau are now approaching the primary and secondary schools for research.

Social News

Written by: Deng Yinglin

2021-06-09 18:31

Last update date: 2021-06-09 18:31

The vaccination rate for teachers in Hong Kong's primary and secondary schools is less than 20%. After the government approved the lowering of the minimum age for BioNTech vaccination to 12 years old last week, the Civil Service Bureau and the Education Bureau are now approaching the primary and secondary schools to study the provision of injection services to schools.

According to a source, the government recommends that schools that do not meet the school vaccination threshold (about 300 people) should use a special bus to and from the vaccination center, with a minimum of 20 people per session and an upper limit of 30 people.

The Honorary Chairman of the Hong Kong Aided Primary School Principals’ Association Zhang Yongbang believes that the small number of primary school age-appropriate injection students makes it difficult for them to return to school during the vacation. I believe the government tends to accept parents’ participation and take advantage of the "prime time" before the summer vacation. Injection plan.

He bluntly said that "injection is not urgent, and parents' wishes are the most important." Therefore, he plans to invite doctors to the school to give lectures so that parents can make decisions after listening to global vaccination data and professional opinions.

Zhang Yongbang intends to invite doctors to the school to hold parent lectures

The Honorary Chairman of the Hong Kong Aided Primary School Principals Association Zhang Yongbang told "Hong Kong 01" today (9th) that it is only about one month before the summer vacation that school children go out to increase the risk of outbreaks. Grasp the "prime time" before the summer vacation to carry out the plan, "it will be difficult for him to return after the vacation."

However, he bluntly said that "injection is not urgent, and the wishes of parents are the most important." Considering that the exam season is about to enter, many parents will take time off for their children to review. He plans to invite doctors to school during the exam to explain the advantages and limitations of the new crown vaccine to parents "It’s only an hour or more for children to take the exam. It’s best to arrange for parents to spend a period of time listening to the lecture. Put the children down and return after listening."

Zhang Yongbang said that after the lecture, parents will be asked about their wishes through notices, and the general statistics are whether they can reach the school vaccination threshold: "This is an education and publicity process. When parents hear the data, they can ask questions before considering it, not just based on perception." As for the decision. For vaccination arrangements, he believes that medical experts need to come to the school to inspect whether the environment is suitable, and then arrange for injections before school. "Parents can pick up children from school after the injections."

Zhang Yongbang suggested that, in addition to allowing elementary school parents to participate in the injection program at schools, the government should also relax the participation of employees of school-running organizations or nearby kindergarten teachers. (Photo)

Advocate that the vaccination threshold should include the staff of the group and the teachers of neighboring schools

It is reported that the government recommends that schools with insufficient vaccinations can take a special bus to and from the vaccination center, with a minimum of 20 people per session and a maximum of 30 people.

However, Zhang Yongbang pointed out that due to the impact of the suspension of the epidemic, the teaching schedule has been quite strained. Many schools have delayed summer vacation. In addition, arranging primary school students to travel by bus takes a long time, which involves a lot of administrative arrangements and teacher manpower. He suggested that the government should not allow primary schools. Parents’ participation should be relaxed for the staff of the school sponsoring group or nearby kindergarten teachers to participate: "Some schools have institutions and churches under the same school running group nearby. If employees are interested, they should work together; or nearby kindergarten teachers can do it. ."

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