The Limited Times

Bali vacation possible again soon in July? Government gives hope 

6/11/2021, 2:45:25 AM

In addition to the European holiday destinations, more and more long-haul destinations are also presenting an opening perspective. So Bali could receive tourists again in July.

In addition to the European holiday destinations, more and more long-haul destinations are also presenting an opening perspective.

So Bali could receive tourists again in July.

Due to the corona pandemic, most German vacationers are planning a trip in their own country or at least within Europe.

More and more EU countries are loosening their entry rules, and the planned EU vaccination pass could soon provide even more freedom.

However, if you want to look further into the distance, you could soon add the popular

holiday destination Bali in Indonesia

to your travel list.

At least the government has now presented a first opening perspective.

After Corona entry ban: Bali could open again to international tourists from July

At the Arabian Travel Market (ATM), Indonesian President Joko Widodo announced, according to Australian portal

, that the island

nation would open


international tourists

in the coming weeks

. The holiday hotspot Bali should then also welcome guests again. Together with Batan and Bintan, he is said to be the driving force to boost tourism for the whole country. To this end

, the borders are to be partially reopened from July

. A specific opening date is not known, however, the plans also depend on the further development of the corona pandemic on site.

"In preparation, the government has carried out a wide-ranging vaccination program for the relevant target groups, including those employed in tourism," according to the English-language media in a statement from the Ministry of Tourism.

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Current entry rules for Bali

Tourists are currently not allowed to

enter Indonesia


Exceptions only apply for certain travel purposes such as emergencies or essential professional reasons.

This requires an electric visa, which must be applied for.

In addition, a negative PCR test, which is not older than 72 hours, and a hotel quarantine are necessary.

After another negative test, it goes into a 14-day home quarantine - a trip to Bali is currently hardly possible.

In addition, from the point of view of the Robert Koch Institute, Indonesia is a corona risk area.


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