The Limited Times

Consumer centers for "strong climate protection"

6/26/2021, 9:13:16 PM

The general election is also about the price of electricity. The consumer advice centers already have a demand on the next government: climate protection - at fair prices.

The general election is also about the price of electricity.

The consumer advice centers already have a demand on the next government: climate protection - at fair prices.

Berlin - The consumer advice centers are one of the first projects of the next federal government to demand stronger climate protection at fair prices for citizens.

The chairman of the Federal Association (vzbv), Klaus Müller, told the German Press Agency before the German Consumer Day of his organization today "The climate protection measures do not allow any delay." to relieve the introduction of a climate check, as would be burdened by a higher CO2 price.

It is good that the federal government has presented a law for fair consumer contracts in the fight against cost traps, said Müller.

"But there has to be more." There is a need for action in the case of unwanted door-to-door sales, non-transparent contracts concluded in shops and telephone advertising.

“This strengthens consumers' rights and, in the end, also stimulates competition.” The legislative plans for fairer contracts aim, among other things, at terms and rules for automatic renewal.

They are to be decided in the Bundestag on Thursday.

The program of the German Consumer Day includes a discussion with Federal Food Minister Julia Klöckner (CDU), Finance Minister Olaf Scholz (SPD), the Greens chairman Annalena Baerbock, left parliamentary group leader Dietmar Bartsch and FDP leader Christian Lindner.


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