The Limited Times

Schinas, 'Delta is very worrying, do not ease measures in the EU'

6/29/2021, 4:21:10 AM

"We cannot rest on our laurels, we do not improvise. The ECDC scientific advice tells us that the situation is not good, 75% of new infections at the beginning of August will be due to the Delta variation and 90% by the end of August. (ANSA)

(ANSA) - BRUSSELS, JUN 28 - "We cannot rest on our pains, we do not improvise. The scientific consultants of ECDCCI say that the situation is not good, 75% of the new infections at the beginning of August will be due to the Delta variation and 90% by end of August. The trend is very worrying. We must keep the attention high ". This was stated by the Vice-President of the European Commission Margaritis Schinas speaking in a debate in the European Parliament. "Lightening the measures is not advisable - he added -. We cannot afford to have a European summer without attention, thinking about what happens with respect to the new variants" Covid. (HANDLE).