The Limited Times

Canada: '719 dead in record heat week'

7/3/2021, 3:09:17 PM

The chief medical examiner of British Columbia (ANSA) says it    British Columbia chief medical examiner Lisa Lapointe said there were 719 sudden and unexpected deaths in the province of Western Canada during this week of record heat that hit the country claimed. An unprecedented figure, he added, explaining that it is three times higher than the average of deaths over this period, according to the Toronto Star.     Lapointe then specified that extreme weat

   British Columbia chief medical examiner Lisa Lapointe said there were 719 sudden and unexpected deaths in the province of Western Canada during this week of record heat that hit the country claimed.

An unprecedented figure, he added, explaining that it is three times higher than the average of deaths over this period, according to the Toronto Star.

    Lapointe then specified that extreme weather conditions are considered a determining factor in the increase in deaths and that the figure is set to rise. 

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