The Limited Times

Philippines: Taal volcano poisons the Manila region

7/3/2021, 4:37:15 PM

A few days ago he began to spit out increasing amounts of sulfur dioxide, gradually enveloping the capita

A volcano 50 km south of Manila has been spitting poisonous gas for nearly a week that could be dangerous for more than 300,000 people and has drowned the capital and surrounding areas in gray smog.

The Taal volcano, located in the middle of a lake, is one of the most active of the Philippi, country of the Pacific Ring of Fire, an area of ​​intense sysmic and volcanic activity.

A few days ago, he began spitting out increasing amounts of sulfur dioxide, gradually enveloping the capital in smog which prompted the authorities to warn the fragile people, believing that this cloud could be dangerous to the life or health of more than 300,000 people.

Other evacuations to come

At least 2,400 inhabitants of villages near the lake have already taken refuge further away, with relatives or in schools closed due to coronavirus, and the provincial responsible for natural disasters, Joselito Castro, plans "other evacuations in the days to come, ”he told AFP.

The last eruption of Taal, in January 2020, evoked the evacuation of 135,000 people, killed cattle, buried dozens of houses under a hot lava flow and sent ash 15 km around.