The Limited Times

The neighbor abused his dog and he stole it to save him: 'I prefer to go to prison before he dies,' he said

7/3/2021, 5:44:09 AM

It happened in Garupá, Misiones. The animal was tied up and without food. The young man asked the owner, and he refused.

07/02/2021 11:15

  • Clarí

  • Society

Updated 07/02/2021 11:15

Gastón is 25 years old and in Garupá, Misiones, next to the place where he works, there is a house where a pitbull of approximately one year lives who was abused by his owner.

One day, overwhelmed by being a daily witness to the very critical neglect suffered by the animal, he decided to take it away, without notifying the neighbor.

Although he fears retaliation and is accused of being a thief, he

is willing to take the risk to save



"I prefer to go to prison before he dies," said Gastón.

The young man said that he saw him in very bad condition,

tied up and without food


Given that, he decided to record a video and share it on social networks to make visible the poor condition in which the dog was: "skinny, hard, gums without color, and with a tired face."

The situation saddened him so much that he decided not to sit idly by.

On several occasions he approached the owner to

ask him to hand it over to him

, but he always refused.

He also gave the animal food and water several times, but the abuse continued and


did not improve. 

“Hello people, I wanted to show you this dog that he is suffering a lot.

It is a pit bull but its owner has it tied to his luck

, I asked him for it but he did not want to give it to me.

My aunt also asked for it but does not want to give it away.

When we can, we give him food and water, "Gastón said on Facebook.

When he saw that leaving him food and posting a video on Facebook weren't enough to save



, Gastón made up his mind to steal it from the owner.

A few days later, the police approached his home along with a veterinarian who wanted to check him.

“The police came to my house with the force's vet and they told me that I am at fault for what I did.

And I told them that I had no problem, that 

if I have to go to prison I



, I will still be happy because the dog will be more than fine, "the young man told the Misiones Online newspaper.

So far, the young man has 

not been cited

for any statement, nor was he contacted by the owner of the animal.

Kayser is

still alive and the residents of the neighborhood, moved by the case, decided to collaborate and bring her food.

The animal

was controlled this Monday by a veterinarian

, who in addition to prescribing drugs to treat some pathologies and start its nutritional recovery, conducted studies to rule out a possible parasitic disease called leishmaniasis.

"They told me that he may have leishmaniasis, now we have to wait for the results and then start treatment," said Gastón.

Due to the low temperatures, Gastón said that


took over an old armchair

that is located in one of the rooms of his house and that improves day by day.


Look also

The macabre truth of one of the most viewed videos on TikTok

He mobilized the town to find his dog and within two days he realized that he was trapped under his armchair