The Limited Times

Concern about delta variant: Merkel warns of a new guideline value for vaccinations

7/5/2021, 10:27:02 PM

In an internal CDU switch, Chancellor Angela Merkel and Health Minister Jens Spahn expressed their concerns about the Delta variant - and called for a higher vaccination rate.

In an internal CDU switch, Chancellor Angela Merkel and Health Minister Jens Spahn expressed their concerns about the Delta variant - and called for a higher vaccination rate.

Berlin - The corona incidence is stagnating at a low level, concerns remain.

In view of the delta variant of the coronavirus *, Chancellor Angela Merkel * and Health Minister Jens Spahn (both CDU) pointed out the importance of vaccinations.

According to information from the German Press Agency, Merkel warned participants on Monday in the last regular deliberations of the CDU leadership before the summer break in Berlin.

Unvaccinated children in particular would still be vulnerable in the fall.

At the same time, Merkel pointed out that hospitalization for the Delta variant is not so high in other countries.

Merkel and Spahn are promoting a higher vaccination rate - but the rate of vaccination is slowing

According to the vaccination dashboard of the Robert Koch Institute *, 56.5 percent of the total population received at least one vaccination dose, so 38.9 percent are fully vaccinated (as of July 5, 10:05 a.m.). Once the vaccination protection has fully built up, according to the current state of knowledge, the vaccinated also have a high level of protection against hospital treatment with the Delta variant. Experts and politicians have therefore repeatedly asked citizens not to do without the second corona vaccination *.

According to the participants' statements in the Presidium, Spahn said that the vaccination was going well, but the pace was slowing down.

According to the RKI, 253,346 vaccine doses were administered on July 4th.

On May 12th, most vaccinations were given, with a total of 1,413,688 doses.

In the vaccination centers, the appointments are not immediately gone, but are available for a while, explained Spahn.

He advocated combining vaccination offers with activities of the people, for example a visit to the stadium.

Being vaccinated must make a difference to not being vaccinated.

Debate about “vaccination truants”: Klöckner speaks out against it

The deputy CDU chairwoman Julia Klöckner spoke out against penalties for people who do not attend their Corona * vaccination appointment.

A very sensitive approach must be taken in this context.

At the weekend, a discussion about penalties for skipped vaccination appointments was sparked. Among other things, health expert Karl Lauterbach called for a penalty for “vaccinating truants” *. There was even talk of a fine.

* is an offer from IPPEN.MEDIA (dpa / mbr)