The Limited Times

Semi-detached house instead of wooden shack: Are the days of the Peitinger “witch's house” numbered?

7/5/2021, 9:54:39 PM

It looks more like a wooden shed than a residential building: for many years the house in question on Hauser Straße in Peiting has been crooked in the landscape and in its shabby state is anything but a beautiful sight. But now the days of the “witch's cottage” could be numbered.

It looks more like a wooden shed than a residential building: for many years the house in question on Hauser Straße in Peiting has been crooked in the landscape and in its shabby state is anything but a beautiful sight.

But now the days of the “witch's cottage” could be numbered.


- "My home is my castle" is an English proverb that says that a house is a place of refuge, a safe haven. Such a “castle” - also in a figurative sense - is of course hardly likely to come to mind when looking at that property on Hauser Straße. Rather, the viewer is worried about whether the next gust of wind could be enough to cause the house, which looks as if it was carelessly carved out of old wooden boards, to collapse.

The house has been leading a sad existence in the middle of the otherwise well-kept residential area for years.

A neighbor told the local newspaper that the current owner bought the building, which dates from the 1950s, to do it himself.

It used to be a "very nice little house".

"He restored it to death."

The frustration in the neighborhood about the not very attractive shack is great.

There have been rumors of a sale again and again in the past, says the neighbor.

Unfortunately, nothing has ever happened.

Building committee gives gürnes light for new semi-detached houses

But that could finally change now. At the most recent meeting of the Peitinger building committee, the committee had received a building application for the construction of a semi-detached house with garages on said property. This was not only a pleasure for market builder Fabian Kreitl. “This can only be an improvement at this point,” stated Mayor Peter Ostenrieder. Herbert Salzmann also agreed. "I was afraid that the house would be listed," said the SPD parliamentary group leader, referring to the long history. The building committee unanimously approved the building application. Should the district office as the building authority also give the green light, theoretically nothing would stand in the way of the new building.

People in the neighborhood are happy to hear this news.

However: "We can only really believe it when the excavators are there," says the neighbor.

The previous owner, who still lives there, is already in the process of clearing out.

Even the market builder cannot say with certainty whether the property has been sold in the meantime.

The building application was not made by the previous owner, he explains when asked by Schongauer Nachrichten.

Kreitl shares the hope of the residents "that something really happens there now" and that the dilapidated house will soon disappear.

"It's actually a very nice property."

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