The Limited Times

The 47-person primary election case | The case was postponed again to September before the trial of Tan Kaibang for bail application

7/8/2021, 4:13:26 PM

Forty-seven people involved in organizing or participating in the "35+" primary elections of the democratic faction were charged with conspiracy to subvert state power. Today (8th) the trial day was held in the West Kowloon Magistracy. 12 defendants who were released on bail, along with 35 who were remanded for 4 months

Social News

Written by: Chen Jiayi

2021-07-08 17:45

The last update date: 2021-07-08 17:45

Forty-seven people involved in organizing or participating in the "35+" primary elections of the democratic faction were charged with conspiracy to subvert state power. Today (8th) the trial day was held in the West Kowloon Magistracy.

Twelve defendants who were released on bail, along with 35 defendants who had been remanded for four months, appeared in court.

Luo Guan adjourned the case to September 23 for another arraignment day. He approved Peng Zhuoqi to change the guarantee conditions so that a third person's guarantee was not required, and Lu Zhiheng changed the time to report to the police station.

The other 10 defendants continued to be released on bail under the original conditions.

Tan Kaibang was released on bail, and Luo Guan said that the defendants other than him could withdraw first.

The court was originally scheduled to open at 2:30 p.m., but the defendants did not enter the prison bar until 3 p.m. and some people waved to the public gallery.

However, shortly after the hearing, the defense stated that it took time to obtain instructions, and the hearing was not completed until five o'clock in the end.

The 47 defendants were accused of conspiring together to subvert state power between July 1, 2020 and January 7, 2021, and organized, planned, implemented, or participated in the implementation to threaten the use of force or other means, serious Interfere, obstruct, and disrupt the performance of the Hong Kong government's functions

The defendant announced, carried out or participated in the plan to obtain majority control in the Legislative Council. Any budget or public expenditure proposed by the Hong Kong government, regardless of the content or the pros and cons of the content, refused to pass, forcing the Chief Executive to dissolve the Legislative Council. This paralyzed the operation of the government and eventually led to the resignation of the chief executive.

In order to achieve the plan, the defendant participated in the election or did not participate in the election of the Legislative Council, and or incited, promoted, induced or induced others to stand for or did not participate in the election, and promised that after being elected, he deliberately or deliberately did not perform his duties as a member of the Legislative Council That is to support the "Basic Law" and allegiance to the SAR.

So far, 12 defendants can be released on bail, including Zheng Dahong, Yang Xueying, Peng Zhuoqi, He Qiming, Liu Weicong, Huang Biyun, Shi Delai, Lu Zhiheng, Lin Jingnan, Ke Yaolin, Li Yuxin and Zou Jiacheng.

About two weeks ago, Zou, who was granted bail by Du Libing, the designated judge of the National Security Law, was the first defendant who successfully applied for bail to the High Court.

12 defendants who were granted bail.

(See the picture below for details)




Recent status of the 47 defendants.

(See the picture below for details)




The case was tried by the judge designated by the National Security Law and Chief Magistrate Su Huide, and the senior prosecutor Luo Tianwei of the Department of Justice represented the prosecution.

Case Number: WKCC813/2021

Panmin 47 People Primary Election|Zou Jiacheng will leave the court in the evening with cash and personnel guarantee of 50,000 yuan each

35+ Primary Election|47 Defendant adjourned to July for referral to the High Court for hearing Yuan Jiawei’s application for bail was rejected

35+ Primary Election Case | The prosecution alleges that Mao Mengjing had sent false information, the official said it was difficult to guarantee that it would not endanger national security and refused to bail

Panmin 47 people case | Tan Wenhao has repeatedly been invited by the U.S. government officials to say that he can see that his influence refuses Tan's bail

Cen Zijie’s bail was denied, the official accused Cen was young, firm and determined, it is difficult to guarantee that he would never violate national security


Primary election of Hong Kong version of the National Security Law to subvert state power courts

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