The Limited Times

He kills his father with a knife in the Mantua area

7/15/2021, 9:42:53 AM

A 50-year-old man stabbed his 75-year-old father last night at the height of an argument in an apartment in Ostiglia, in the Mantua area. (HANDLE)

(ANSA) - MANTOVA, 15 JUL - A 50-year-old man stabbed his 75-year-old father last night, at the height of unalite in an apartment in Ostiglia, in the Mantua area.

    He himself called for help after the stabbing in the hope of being able to save his retired father but when the ambulance arrived Mario Prandi was already dead due to numerous chest and abdomen injuries inflicted with a kitchen knife. Lorenzo Prandi was then arrested by the carabinieri.

    The man, two children, separated, had returned to live with his father a year after he had lost his job as a computer technician. The reasons that caused the dispute are still unknown.


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