The Limited Times

The case of a girl who was sexually assaulted by her father changed her confession because she did not want her mother and brother to be wronged, the victim said that Ning continued to be raped by her father

7/22/2021, 11:42:28 AM

The girl who claimed to have been raped by her father was involved in the renewal of her confession in court under the interference of her family. The female victim X continued to give evidence this afternoon. She admitted that she had confessed that she had not been indecent or raped by her father during her father’s trial. Now call these

The girl who claimed to have been raped by her father was involved in the renewal of her confession in court under the interference of her family. The female victim X continued to give evidence this afternoon. She admitted that she had confessed that she had not been indecent or raped by her father during her father’s trial. Today, these answers are not voluntary.

She said that her uncle had told her at the time that her father was the pillar of the family. If her family loses his father, the family will be in trouble. Therefore, she couldn't help but when she failed to tell the truth during her father's interrogation. Said: "I'd rather continue to be raped by Laodou, but I don't want my grandmother to be wronged with the gangster."

The 17-year-old female victim X gave evidence in the rape case involving her father in January 2019.

In this case, she was exempted from prosecution by the Department of Justice, and she was sitting behind a screen to give evidence.

Baishan with relatives and friends was persuaded not to appear in court

X said that in October 2018, she went to scan the screen with a number of relatives and friends. The relatives present at that time included grandfather and uncle. During the period, some people mentioned the sexual assault case involving her father.

X said that she was told to "return to the mainland first" and "don't go to court" at the time, but she didn't remember whose idea it was.

Her mother gave her 500 yuan twice, and her grandfather also gave several thousand yuan notes to her mother and claimed that they belonged to Father X.

No old beans, you can eat and live by the side

The prosecution then read out the evidence of X's father's rape trial in 2019.

The defense lawyer representing X's father at the time asked X that his father had not insulted or raped her, and X agreed.

X Jin clarified in court that the answer at the time was not voluntary, but followed the lawyer's statement.

She also said: "If there are no old beans in the land, you can eat and live on the side, no one can help me." They also pointed out that X's father is the pillar and support point of the family.

She couldn't help saying, "I would rather continue to be raped by Laodou, because I don't want my grandmother to be wronged by my sister." When asked who "Qidi" refers to, X refers to grandpa, grandpa, and uncle.

I'm blunt to hear my father's defense version

X also pointed out that when the defense presented another version of the incident in court, she was also "dumb".

But when the defense claimed that X had falsely accused his father for the mobile phone, X Jin said bluntly: "I feel so brainless."

In addition, X agreed with the defense in the sexual assault case that after she saw her father masturbate, she found a tissue stained with semen in the trash can and told her father that she had wiped the semen into her vagina. If X's father did not give her a new one Cell phone will falsely accuse him.

X said in court: "It's totally untrue." He also pointed out: "I don't have anything."

Ti was forced to lie and choked

The prosecution continued that when X was asked about the incident in court during the trial, he still stated that the sexual assault had not occurred.

X Jin explained that she realized that she had made a mistake, but it was irreversible at the time, so she continued her statement.

She said: "I can't tell a 13-year-old or 11-year-old girl, I can do it to a 13-year-old and 11-year-old girl, and I want to talk big." She couldn't help but choked up when she talked about the last trial in court.

The judge then let X rest.

The five defendants involved in this case are all relatives of the female victim X, including father (44 years old), mother (42 years old), Xiu Xiu (67 years old), uncle (39 years old) and grandfather (65 years old).

The father, 嫲嫲, uncle and grandpa were charged with conspiracy to obstruct justice from October 8, 2018 to January 23, 2019, even if X changed the original evidence in the criminal case of the High Court.

The father and mother were also charged with obstruction of justice on October 20, 2018, even though the mother and X left Hong Kong with the intention that they would not give evidence in the criminal case as witnesses to the prosecution.

Case Number: HCCC126/2020

The case of a girl who was sexually assaulted by her father changed her confession, her uncle pretended to be a lawyer and interrogated the victim, saying that she changed her confession when she was sexually assaulted by her father. The case of a girl who was sexually assaulted by her father said she changed her confession. Take advantage of the visitation to instruct family members to interfere with gestures


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