The Limited Times

Great Britain revokes the quarantine for the vaccinated EU and US, in Italy it remains

7/28/2021, 1:19:55 PM

No more quarantine provided that the double Covid vaccine has already been received in the country of origin, while Italy maintains the precautionary measure (ANSA)

No more precautionary quarantine for those traveling to Great Britain from the EU and the US as long as they have already received the double anti Covid vaccine in the country of origin. This was established by the British Tory government of Boris Johnson with the support of travelers and the tourism industry. And despite the protests of the Labor opposition, still worried about the spread of Delta infections, which dropped in the last week. In terms of reciprocity, the two vaccines received in the United Kingdom already guarantee the exemption from quarantine in 19 EU countries, but not yet in Italy, with limited exceptions.

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