The Limited Times

Protecting plants in the garden from heavy rain: This is how the plants survive

7/30/2021, 12:21:28 PM

In the coming days, among other things, heavy rain is to be expected again. This also harms the plants in the garden. But how can you protect them?

In the coming days, among other things, heavy rain is to be expected again.

This also harms the plants in the garden.

But how can you protect them?

Whether from too much rain or from too strong wind, some plants in the garden and on the balcony * need to be protected from these weather conditions.

But actually only when the storms last for several weeks.

A few precautions have to be taken for this - but immediate solutions can also be implemented in an emergency.

While some plants, such as large trees, enjoy a lot of water, others get destroyed by it.

So that the stems of the plants do not break off in a storm, it is worth tying them to a stick.

But what else can hobby gardeners do to protect against waterlogging?

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Protect plants in the garden from waterlogging

Moats are a good immediate measure against too much water.

After all, it can quickly drain through the ditch.


dig moat

worth only about ten centimeters rain, the horticulture technician Peter Bartos against


But if you want to prevent waterlogging right from the start, you should create the bed at an angle.

This also allows the water to drain off better.

It is even more ideal if you work with

gravel or sand

beneath the earth


Both help prevent waterlogging.

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Rain and hail damage: How to protect the plants

Hail and heavy rain often destroy fruits, flowers and leaves. If a storm with such conditions is announced, gardening enthusiasts can create a special

plant protection tunnel

. You can buy it in the garden center, but you can also build it yourself. All you have to do is cut open a large garbage bag and use sturdy wire and tape to build a tunnel. The tunnel is then placed over the plants and fastened to the ground. To provide additional space for the plants, the protection can be raised with a stick. The aim is that the plants cannot be crushed by the tarpaulin. As soon as the storm has hit what, the protective tunnel should be removed again.

(swa) * is an offer from IPPEN.MEDIA.

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