The Limited Times

The search begins again

8/7/2021, 8:36:39 AM

The search continues: “MachBAR im Würmtal” is not moving to the basement of Pasinger Straße 13 in Planegg. The hope of finding accommodation in one's own room after three and a half years of searching has been dashed. The landlord shies away from the necessary fire protection measures.

The search continues: “MachBAR im Würmtal” is not moving to the basement of Pasinger Straße 13 in Planegg.

The hope of finding accommodation in one's own room after three and a half years of searching has been dashed.

The landlord shies away from the necessary fire protection measures.


- At the beginning of 2018, the “Association for the Promotion of Self-Employed Work in the Würmtal” was founded with the aim of setting up open workshops under the title “machBAR im Würmtal”.

Initially, the courses took place in cooperation with other institutions.

At the beginning of the year it looked as if one could move into the rooms of a former restaurant in the basement of Bahnhofstrasse 26 in Planegg.

That ultimately failed because of the high costs.

Mayor Hermann Nafziger made contact with the owner of Pasinger Straße 13.

The Würmtal-Insel social network is located there on the ground floor, and the upper floor is also to be added.

In the basement, however, there are four rooms with almost 80 square meters.

Statement obtained

The "machBAR" makers obtained the opinion of a fire protection expert. “It was immediately clear to us that it would be time-consuming,” says board member Lotar Krahmer. "Unfortunately, that meant that the landlord said he didn't want to do that." There is a risk that these will "soften too quickly in the event of a fire and the ceiling will collapse".

The association would already have served with storage rooms in Planegg.

The utensils are currently housed in Gauting.

“The thread of the conversation is not completely broken.

There is still no reason to give up, ”says Krahmer.

One continues to look for a domicile for the open workshops.

"We hope that our project will become better known and that a signal will come from somewhere as to how it could continue." Krahmer does not want to be any more precise.

Course operations are suspended at the beginning of the pandemic

Course operations have been suspended since the beginning of the corona pandemic at the beginning of last year. Whether "machBAR" will offer a program in autumn and winter has not yet been decided in view of the increasing numbers of new SARS-CoV-2 infections. As soon as the events are resumed, the association wants to purchase 3D printers. Two years ago, the municipality of Planegg granted a grant for this that had not yet been paid out. Fortunately, as Krahmer says: “The development is going so quickly in this area. The devices would now be hopelessly out of date. "

Computer-aided design has already been taught in a CAD course. The next step is now to use 3D printing to “manufacture spare parts for any household appliances for which there are no longer any”, says Krahmer. In his own household he saved a toaster in this way, among other things. That was a year and a half ago. The toaster with the self-printed spare parts has since worked flawlessly again.

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