The Limited Times

Guinguettes, nightclubs, tourist sites ... The boom in test barnums

8/8/2021, 6:55:47 PM

REPORT - With the compulsory health pass, many French and foreigners parade under the white marquees to be tested.

In front of a nightclub, before entering a tavern or to climb to the top of the Eiffel Tower ... With the compulsory pass and the large number of unvaccinated people, test barnums are flourishing in front of these leisure and tourist places.

And the crowd rushes there.

Like last Tuesday, at the feet of the Iron Lady, despite the mixed weather.

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The health pass between fears, hiccups and tensions

Many French and foreigners parade under three white marquees, installed to the west of the site, near entrance number one, to take a nasal sample. They get their results back in a quarter of an hour. The requirement of this test to carry out the visit is quite well accepted.

“Given my situation, I was only able to receive a first dose of vaccine in Madrid

,” explains Martin Carlos, a Franco-Spanish.

I find it normal to be tested since my vaccination course is not complete. We must limit the spread of the virus. "

All smiles, he has just been tested negative and received his certificate with the corresponding QR. He will have to present it to the controllers of the Eiffel Tower.

I am against the vaccine but I have no other choice.

I have to do a test if I want to visit the building with my two grandchildren and my vaccinated daughter

Danièle, retired from Val-d'Oise

Even the most reluctant bow to the maneuver.

“I am against the vaccine but I have no other choice.

I have to do a test if I want to visit the building with my two grandchildren and my vaccinated daughter


says Danièle, retiree from Val-d'Oise.

"Why take a test?

We're in the great outdoors, ”

asks Emine, a 35-year-old Kurd who arrived from eastern Turkey.

Despite everything, she paid 30 euros to be tested and access the bowels of a monument she had wanted to see for a long time.

"An important mission"

But, sometimes, it's a cold shower for tourists.

“I really didn't expect to be tested positive

, admits Sarah, a young Vendée who came from La Roche-sur-Yon with her friend Jenny to visit the capital.

I am in great shape and I don't feel tired. Unfortunately, we will have to go back to the hotel and put an end to all the exits because you need a pass for everything


At least I'm not going to infect other people in the tower. ”

The volunteers of the marquee let it go again by equipping it with an FFP2 mask.

A scenario that recurs regularly.

“Of the 300 tests we perform at the foot of the Eiffel Tower every day, 10 are positive.

We advise positive people to isolate themselves and let them know that they will be contacted by Social Security, ”

says Ruben, graduate pharmacist, director of Médilev.

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Health pass: new penalties for fraudsters

This is the company that organizes the Covid tests from A to Z, by providing not only the medical equipment but also the barnums and the personnel able to take the samples: health students (medicine, pharma, physiotherapy or dental ... ).

“We are also present with other barnums in front of a nightclub in the 8th arrondissement, near the department stores and a festive barge in the 12th arrondissement.

Our mission is important because it allows economic activities to be left open while limiting the risk of contamination.

We cannot stop everything because of the Covid.

We have seen the damage in the past. ”

Not a slightest organization

A little further, downstream from the Seine, still on the left bank, is the Guinguette La Javelle, in the 15th arrondissement. To be able to access it, you must also show your health pass. In case of non-vaccination or application bug, a barnum with volunteers is there to take the tests. They are sent by a group of pharmacists, Pharmavance, according to the same principle as Médilev to the Eiffel Tower. This is no less organization for this tavern which, in the heart of summer, can accommodate more than a thousand revelers under lanterns and music in good weather.

“We had to train security guards to use the TousAntiCovid Verif application.

They control our customers but also our employees.

We detect two to three positive cases during big evenings among our customers.

We also sent a positive employee home, ”

explains Camille Tiné, director of the site.

Read also:

Covid-19: the extension of the health pass brings the number of tests to a record level

Overall, everyone is playing the game.

“Only 10% of those who do not have the health pass refuse to be withdrawn.

The others, as they are in a group, want to follow their friends who were able to return thanks to their pass, and they comply with the law ”

, specifies Alawi, security guard at the Porte de La Javelle.

"Additional cost of 5,000 to 6,000 euros per month"

But this device comes at a cost.

If the tests carried out on the spot are covered by the Health Insurance, in a system of total remuneration paid to the group of pharmacists, the two additional security agents and the mobile phones for the verification of the passes are the responsibility of the tavern.

“This is an additional cost of 5,000 to 6,000 euros per month, to which must be added the less frequentation caused by the past

, regrets Camille Tiné.

However, I thought that we were going to lose half of our turnover with this restrictive device… And finally, we show less 25%


We are now counting on good weather to improve our attendance

