The Limited Times

Vaccines: Figliuolo, 'In the second half of August 10 million doses'

8/9/2021, 2:57:17 PM

To reach the goal of 60% of students vaccinated before school starts, a plan is being considered that can allow young people to have preferential lanes' (ANSA)

"From August 16 to the end of the month we will have about 10 million doses nationwide that will allow us to continue at an excellent pace". Thus the Commissioner for the Emergency, Francesco Figliuolo, during his visit to Basilicata. Figliuolo explained that "from August 16 onwards, compared to what we thought, we will have 3 million more doses thanks to Draghi's action with the EU Commission and the president". "To block the Delta and other variants it is important to increase the rate of vaccinations at a global level - he added - In Italy we are, as first doses, at 69% and about 64% vaccinated. And we must continue to run ". 

Figliuolo also talked about the vaccination campaign for young people: to reach the goal of 60% of students vaccinated before the start of school "the thought is to make a plan that can allow young people to have preferential lanes after August 15th, therefore without reservations: we will do it all over Italy. The president reassured me and with the general director of health they worked out an excellent plan ". For the Commissioner, however, we must "continue to think about the over 50s because it is a category that needs to increase the number of vaccinated people and today remains more at risk with the variants".