The Limited Times

Delta variant in the USA: US authorities recommend corona vaccination for pregnant women

8/11/2021, 7:17:01 PM

In the shadow of the dispute over vaccinations and delta variants in the USA, the US authority CDC recommends that pregnant women also get vaccinated against corona.

In the shadow of the dispute over vaccinations and delta variants in the USA, the US authority CDC recommends that pregnant women also get vaccinated against corona.

Washington - The Center of Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recommends that pregnant women get vaccinated against the coronavirus.

The US Department of Disease Control and Prevention is thus adapting its advice to pregnant women, as there is no evidence of a higher risk of increased miscarriages in those who are immunized.




Joe Biden


328.2 million (2019)

Capital city:

Washington, DC

Due to the high incidences, the low vaccination numbers among pregnant women and the increasing number of new corona infections with the highly contagious Delta variant, the sluggish vaccination campaign in the USA could perhaps miss a new boost.

Based on new evidence about the safety and effectiveness of Covid vaccines, the CDC recommends that pregnant people should get vaccinated against Covid-19, according to a press release from the US agency.

"A Covid-19 vaccination is recommended for all people who are twelve years or older, which includes people who are pregnant, breastfeeding, trying to become pregnant or want to become pregnant in the future."

Delta variant in the USA: Only 23 percent of pregnant women have a Covid-19 primary vaccination

Because only 23 percent of pregnant women in the US have received a primary vaccination.

The CDC's recommendation comes two days after 20 health organizations advocated advancing corona vaccinations for pregnant women or those planning to become one.

This applies to all three Covid-19 vaccines.

However, at Johnsons & Johnson's recommendation, the recommendation should still be taken with caution, since, in contrast to the vaccines from Biontech / Pfizer and Moderna, it is not yet sufficiently informative, a spokesman for the CDC told the Washington Post.

Incidence in the USA: New corona infections explode - criticism of Governor Abbott in Texas

The incidence in the US is increasing.

The new infections in connection with Sars-CoV-2 explode again.

The corona situation in the American states of Texas and Louisiana is particularly worrying.

The Covid 19 infection numbers in the state of Texas are increasing.

Hospitals are overloaded with treating people seriously ill with Covid-19.

Texas Republican Governor Greg Abbott is now ready to act.

But this is exactly what is heavily criticized: he neither wants to ask for vaccinations, nor is he interested in a mask requirement.

The politician even banned masks from being mandatory in Texas.

On Monday, a judge in Dallas suspended the ban with an injunction.

Abbott initially made no comment.


US President Joe Biden is angry about states like Texas and Florida.

© Susan Walsh / dpa

Meanwhile, San Antonio is already rehearsing the uprising.

A judge at the local court granted an application clearing the way for a mask requirement for employees in public buildings.

Only a temporary decision as the judgment can be appealed.

Something similar could happen in Florida.

There, the local Republican Governor Ron DeSantis has threatened with "financial consequences" for civil servants if they defy his ban on wearing masks.

Incidence in the US: Hospitals are only supposed to treat threatening diseases - nearly 120,000 people become infected every day

Abbott, meanwhile, encouraged Texas clinics not to treat people with less threatening diseases.

And so he is just one of many US politicians who give citizens up to how they want to deal with the pandemic - no matter how many people are infected with the virus.

Almost 120,000 people are currently infected with the corona virus every day in the USA.

In the past two weeks, the numbers have doubled.

Over 66,000 people hospitalized in one day and incidence has skyrocketed since June 1, 2021

In the period between June 1 and August 11, 2021, the incidence in the United States increased from 26.4 to 246.8.

On August 10 alone, over 66,000 people were hospitalized across the United States and the health system recorded 816 new deaths (as of August 11, 2021) related to Sars-CoV-2.

The numbers are particularly high in states with low vaccination rates: in addition to Texas, for example in Florida, Louisiana and Arkansas.

In Louisiana, 120 people per 100,000 inhabitants were infected with the corona virus on August 10.

Particularly worrying because the Delta variant is currently raging as the predominant corona mutant in the United States.

Incidence in the USA: Delta variant is making circles - as many new corona infections in children as there have been since January 2021

The delta variant * spreads particularly in the unvaccinated population, children and adolescents are also affected.

Cases that need to be treated in the clinic are increasing.

According to Spiegel magazine, an average of 203 children came to the hospital every day in the first week of August alone, compared to 168 in the previous week.

I say to these governors: please help.

But if you don't help, at least don't stand in our way.

Joe Biden, President of the United States

The last time there were so many deliveries in this age group in January when the last corona wave peaked in the USA.

President Joe Biden is closely following the corona events and the rising incidence -

Just over half of US citizens are fully vaccinated *.

It is noticeable that democratic states proceed differently from republican ones.

In Washington State, for example, all state employees and medical personnel must be vaccinated * by mid-October.

Similar instructions are expected in California and Hawaii.

US President Joe Biden is increasingly angry about these decisions.

“I say to these governors: please help.

But if you don't help, then at least it's out of the way, ”said Biden recently.

* is an offer from IPPEN.MEDIA.

List of rubric lists: © Susan Walsh / dpa