The Limited Times

The Familiar Hollywood Method Israel today

8/12/2021, 11:08:27 AM

Any officer with the rank of brigadier general who shows signs of an offensive military approach, integrated with a Zionist worldview, is eliminated in one way or another from the army: Effi Eitam, Imad Fares, Chico Tamir. Or he's frozen, like Ofer Winter

The attack on the head of the Mossad, Yossi Cohen, is reminiscent of the dirty assassinations in the city of the stars in the 1940s.

But this time the victims are not actors

Let's cut straight to the main point: to attack the retiring head of the Mossad, Yossi Cohen. In an expedited procedure, he was marked as a criminal target, and this week Attorney General Avichai Mandelblit announced that he had instructed State Attorney Amit Isman to investigate the "suspicions" raised against him.

The interesting procedure is the loop of senior reporters and criminal prosecutors coming into action jointly - all of this so transparent - with the aim of eliminating sooner rather than later a candidate for right-wing political leadership. It is important to explain something about the senior political and criminal reporters: they do not come from the tradition of past political reporters. The model of the "esteemed reporter" today is two owners of the mythical columns of classic Hollywood gossip, De Hopper and Loella Parsons.

Today's Hada Hopper is called Ben Caspit, Amir Oren or Raviv Drucker, Moti Gilat or Guy Peleg. Nowadays, Hopper would be given the title of super-researcher with secret depth sources, perhaps the Sokolov Prize. In the 1940s and 1950s, she destroyed the lives, or at least the careers, of movie stars, directors and screenwriters. There was mutual feeding between her and Jay Edgar Hoover from the FBI. He would provide her with black material from his eavesdropping and surveillance, and she would publish the material, of course while maintaining the confidentiality of the sources.

There was a great deal of overlap between the names Hopper pursued in the 1940s as leper communists, or homosexuals in the closet, and those invited to testify and gossip in the Congress' Non-American Affairs Committee. The biggest target she managed to mark was Charlie Chaplin, who was persecuted by her and the FBI and eventually fled America and never returned.

An attack was recently carried out in which Yossi Langutsky, Amir Oren, Moti Gilat - who demanded that the attorney general open an investigation against Yossi Cohen - and Ben Caspit stand out.

According to the model of Hollywood gossip, the "suspicious substances" that are mainly intended to blacken and have no criminal dimension, came from sources of law enforcement agencies, and now the one who heads this rotary material supply system instructs "examination".

This is a route that, according to the Netanyahu model, will become a criminal investigation file at the appropriate time.

Of course there are the strict ones.

This is not just a "blacklist".

Those whose memories and images are drawn from the Soviet Union find here Stalinist methods of elimination.

The ruling class will do anything to perpetuate his rule that has been undermined in the last decade, any price acceptable in his eyes.

The rise of the power of weak and mediocre personalities such as Spokesman Mandelblit and Justice Minister Gideon Saar shows the method.

In his book "In the Pliers of the Regime", Ezra Zohar mentions the field of telephone installation as a means for the government to bring down the citizens of Israel, and to create dependence on the regime through scarcity and monopoly.

The rule of the right freed the citizens from the grip of the telephone placement.

Now the administrative state is conserving its power by opening cases, spreading suspicions and indictments.

As in the past they needed protection and professional and class preferences, today politicians have developed a complete dependence on the regime pliers of lawyers, police investigators and senior reporters.

The easy way in which a multimillion-dollar case was closed to Naftali Bennett and an investigation is opened into a $ 20,000 wedding gift, reveals the tip of a powerful pyramid on which Saar and Mandelblit stand.

Saar should not be afraid of exposing the suspicions against him.

The same is true of the politically extorted Mandelblit.

What Hannah Szenes knew

An excerpt from an educated European girl's diary may teach about the intellectual disabilities of our last chief of staff

One of my friends, who supports me with insights and quotes from important numbers, referred me to an excerpt from Hannah Szenes' diary from 1939. She is 18 years old and describes her matriculation exam Write from now on only in Hebrew: "The first exam was in German. I got to translate an excerpt from Grillparzer, and after that I had to talk about 'Sapo' ... I knew everything well ... After ten minutes I found the question in Hungarian literature again on my desk. Two subjects were given to me ... I talked for a long time and Higdti half things. "

Then history exam:" I had to write about the meetings of Parliament for reform ... The second thing was better: the French Revolution - that preceded the Queen and algebra operation ... And I was not afraid of physics. "And so on. The text actually describes the cultural world and the depth of the education of a Jewish girl from the Central European elite.

The same friend, who deals with the figure of Szenes from his youth, is Col. Res.; The security guard knows how to provide the military decisions necessary for the victory and stabilization of Israel's security

. This also includes Dayan, who in matters of interest to him revealed a high intellectual ability. It is hard to imagine a chief of staff from the last two generations who was able to issue an independent report on the operational and logistical problems of the Yom Kippur War, as Lt. Col. Laskov wrote in parallel with the Agranat Commission report, of which he was a member. This is a different level of thinking.

What characterizes the senior officer in the last generation is loyalty to security as an institution, and detachment from security as an idea and worldview. Defense Minister Bnei Gantz is more concerned about the security of the Kingdom of Jordan. It can be assumed that Israeli elites in other key areas suffer from the same problem. And this is first and foremost a cultural depth problem. The term "spirit depletion" applies to them, on which Alan Bloom wrote an entire book, "Spirit Depletion in America."

The ruling elite in Israel is depleted of the remnants of the Jewish culture from which it grew. It carries a culture of an Israeli interim period, but even this is already detached from the culture of the present. It seems that her condition was described almost two hundred years ago by a French nobleman named Nicolas Costin, who, like Alexis de Tocqueville, made a trip to a foreign land, in his case - Tsarist Russia.

According to Kostin, the Russian aristocracy appropriated "a coating layer of European civilization just enough to be considered civilized savages but not enough to become civilized. They were like domesticated bears that make you long for wild bears."

The Israeli elite, the local aristocracy, was quickly washed away at the perceptions of the sister aristocracy in America.

And this in turn collapsed under the onslaught of revolutionary progressive propaganda.

Like the Russian aristocracy, which spoke French and was educated in French, the Israeli elite speaks English.

Not Shakespeare and not Churchill, but Harvard Weil High Schools, at best.

This is usually a one-year internship after filling a position at some prestigious seminar.

Always in Boston or Washington.

Getting married within the family

Not only in the IDF there are duplicate leaders, but also in the court and the prosecutor's office,

although many have been talking about the problem of promoting the senior IDF officer for years. It belongs to the establishment. These are Major General Yitzhak Brick and Amos Harel.

Brick has talked a lot in recent years, and everything about him is also documented, about bad methods of advancing in the IDF at the ranks between Captain and Lieutenant Colonel. "During this period (since the Yom Kippur War), ten chiefs of staff were appointed, seven of them from the Red Berets, two from the Golani and one from the Air Force," Brick writes.

"It is possible that there are no excellent officers in the other IDF units ... from infantry units that are not a General Staff patrol or paratroopers ... Has not a friend-bringing-friend approach taken root here? In terms of appointments, there is a feeling of a small group of people, usually closed, who take care of moving the stick according to their affiliation. "Brick quoted Amos Harel:" It seems that there are too many close marriages at the top of the IDF in a way that perpetuates group thinking And a lack of constructive criticism. "

One can attach the familiar phenomenon for at least 20 years: any officer with the rank of brigadier general who shows signs of an offensive military approach, combined with a Zionist worldview, is eliminated in one way or another from the army: Effi Eitam, Imad Fares, Chico Tamir.

Or he's frozen, like Ofer Winter.

The phenomenon seems particularly severe when it comes to the IDF. But the IDF is the most open institution for the advancement of people from the lower or peripheral strata.

So it can be safely concluded that the situation in the other establishments that make up the ruling class in Israel is much more serious and closed.

The legal system, for example.

From the Military Prosecutor's Office or the State Attorney's Office slowly towards the General Staff - the Supreme Court. Closed group. "Relative marriage" literally. Opacity for criticism.

These establishments have become systems that are being launched to entities that have one foot in the United States and a second foot in Israel, sometimes in Judea and Samaria. Therefore, those establishments may have good scores, but they are conceptually trapped in the perception of a state of all its citizens that sees every Jewish thing as something dark and dangerous, retarded, spreading disease. And most of all: threatening "democracy."

We saw the poor level of thinking twice in a short time with the powerful man in the government, Yair Lapid.

Once in the anti-Semitic speech, once again in his absence from the Corona Cabinet.

"There is something cute about an Israeli leader who refuses to see the war against his country as something special. He loves the world," Prof. Ruth Weiss wrote in the Wall Street Journal.

"... but does he know what went wrong with him? True, anti-Semitism is a form of hatred, but it is more than hatred. People are organizing against the Jews as part of an ideological struggle."

Only recently has Rashida Talib linked the takeover of "Palestinian" lands in Israel to those people who exploit other people in America.

The shock from Lapid's speech stemmed from the sudden exposure, as if he had accidentally worn his suit upside down, and his anti-Zionist benevolence protruded from the exposed seams.

Inverted suit.

Lapid // Photo: Oren Ben Hakon,

The unreasonable consideration

Any security decision by Prime Minister Bennett should go through Mansour Abbas' sieve, and this is not a familiar or acceptable situation

, the absurd phenomenon, as Benjamin Netanyahu calls it, of the current government - is in fact the fulfillment of the vision of former President Reuven Rivlin, and a pragmatic political expression of ideology anti-Zionist prevalent bureaucratic existing institutions of "administrative state" Dina Zilber. This is not a convenient distribution of left-right confrontation. This is a rapid deterioration, erosion of the idea of founding a Jewish state.

MK Meretz G'ida Rinaoi-zoabi said openly voice Israel in Arabic: "We can prevent the government from taking extensive military action, the coalition will be in danger"; "If Netanyahu were the prime minister - Israel's response to Hezbollah's firing would have been stronger"; "Bennett knows that if the government goes to a military confrontation, the coalition will fall because Meretz and the Prime Minister will not agree to such a thing. The presence of vigor and evil ""M limits the sharpness of any military decision."

Rinawi-Zoabi added: "Bennett understands today that the right-wing voter has disappeared, and he will not return. Therefore, he needs to understand that he is closer to the left."

Bennett's entourage is indeed asking about security issues, as it was this week, what Mansour Abbas will say or do. This is a new consideration. Something that no prime minister in the past has put into his system of considerations. The reasonable person knows that the Prime Minister has a special, excessive responsibility. The situation in which he will drop responsibility for key issues in the life of the country because of a coalition arrangement is unacceptable for the "reasonable person", who recently disappeared.

Supreme Court Justice Uzi Vogelman used the word "putsch" this week in connection with a petition by Knesset members regarding the composition of the organizing committee. Now that this word has come out to roam the dark ways, it is gaining legitimacy. For example, the attempt to torpedo Yossi Cohen. The Minister of Justice's attempt to torpedo Benjamin Netanyahu in advance. It is interesting that two of the major supporters of the current government, Israel Harel and Yoaz Handel, once headed an organization called the Institute for Zionist Strategy. 

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