The Limited Times

++ Ats Sardegna, 500 health workers no vax ++

8/13/2021, 3:15:05 PM

There are 373 ATS workers who have not vaccinated and who, despite the reminder of the Prevention Departments and the invitation to provide for the vaccination obligation or, alternatively, to present a valid justification for the lack of immunization ... (ANSA )

(ANSA) - CAGLIARI, AUGUST 13 - There are 373 ATS workers who have not carried out the vaccination and who, despite the request of the Prevention Departments and the invitation to provide for the vaccination obligation or, alternatively, to present a valid justification for the lack of immunization , who have been included in the list of those who are receiving the suspension from work in these days.

   To these are added 70 continuity of care doctors, outpatient specialists and 118 doctors and 40 general medicine doctors. The data comes from the North, Center and South Prevention Departments of Ats which has already suspended 57 operators. (HANDLE).