The Limited Times

Afghanistan: Taliban take Lashkar Gah, capital of Helmand

8/13/2021, 4:39:06 AM

The Taliban seized Friday August 13 of Lashkar Gah, capital of Helmand province, in southern Afghanistan, after leaving ...

The Taliban seized Friday (August 13th) of Lashkar Gah, capital of Helmand province, in southern Afghanistan, after allowing the army and political and administrative officials to evacuate the city, we learned from safe source.

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Lashkar Gah has been evacuated.

They decided on a 48-hour ceasefire to evacuate

"the army and civilian officials, a senior security official told AFP.

The Taliban had earlier claimed the capture of the city.

The Taliban also took without resistance Friday morning Chaghcharan, capital of the province of Ghor, in the center of the country, told AFP the spokesman of the governor, Zalmai Karimi.

The Taliban claimed responsibility for the capture of Kandahar, the country's second largest city, overnight.

Information confirmed by a resident.

They also seized Thursday of Herat, the third Afghan city, and had approached up to 150 km from Kabul, also taking Ghazni, southwest of the capital.

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