The Limited Times

Because of pollutants or a lot of calcium: This waste must not be placed on the compost

8/13/2021, 12:27:40 PM

There is a lot to consider when composting natural waste. A lot of leftovers from the kitchen rot well on the compost. But there are organic waste exceptions.

There is a lot to consider when composting natural waste.

A lot of leftovers from the kitchen rot well on the compost.

But there are organic waste exceptions.

Munich - Anyone who has a garden and cares for it passionately knows how to delight in the sight of the lush greenery.

If there is also compost in the home, the joy is even greater.

After all, kitchen waste is turned into valuable humus that can later be used in the garden, which is also suitable for autumn harvest.

But not all leftovers from the household in general and the kitchen in particular are suitable for disposal in organic waste.

Even if this waste is of natural origin.

Because in the worst case, vermin will be attracted in this way or the plants will be permanently damaged.

According to

, the following waste must not be put on the compost.

Not all food scraps belong on the compost: beware of processed and cooked foods

One of the biggest misconceptions would be that almost all leftover food can be composted.

However, this only applies to the foods that are unprocessed and raw.

Processed and cooked foods are excluded.

These often contain salt, sugar or flavor enhancers.

All ingredients that attract rats - reveals

my beautiful garden


On the other hand, leftover fruit and vegetables, windfalls, leaves and stalks can be disposed of in the organic waste without any concerns.

Composting ash would also prove to be a common mistake.

Such disposal may only take place in exceptional cases and in very small quantities.

Because the high calcium content of ash can increase the pH value of the compost enormously.

This in turn has the consequence that microorganisms are disturbed and the quality of the humus is reduced.

Wood ash can also contain heavy metals that are later deposited in the humus - and contaminate the garden.

In addition, residues of paint, impregnation, glue or varnish are brought into the earth via the ashes.

Animal excrement on the compost leads to odor nuisance - magazines in organic waste release pollutants

Just like ash, dog and cat droppings do not belong in the compost.

Because the disposal of animal excrement can lead to unpleasant odors.

It is recommended to put only herbivore droppings on top of the compost.

These include, for example, guinea pigs, birds, rabbits or sheep.

It should also be avoided to dispose of fats and oils as well as magazines in organic waste.

Because both rots very slowly.

When the printing ink in magazines decomposes, pollutants are also released.

Additional practical tips can also help prevent aphids in your own garden.

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