The Limited Times

Fires: Greens, suspend hunting and restore Forestry

8/13/2021, 3:30:05 PM

(HANDLE) (ANSA) - ROME, AUG 12 - The co-spokespersons of Europa Verde, Eleonora Evi and Angelo Bonelli, in the face of the emergency, set fire to a note "to intervene immediately, first of all with a measure that immediately restores the State Forestry Corps , but also by supervising the application of the fires register and protecting the already highly compromised fauna. In this regard, today we will sen

(ANSA) - ROME, AUG 12 - The co-spokespersons of Europa Verde, Eleonora Evi and Angelo Bonelli, in the face of the emergency, set fire to a note "to intervene immediately, first of all with a measure that immediately restores the State Forestry Corps , but also by supervising the application of the fires register and protecting the already highly compromised fauna. In this regard, today we will send a warning in which we will ask Cingolani to exercise the substitutive powers to suspend the hunting activity throughout the national territory ".

"Faced with the loss of 110 thousand hectares of woods, biodiversity, oxygen, and faced with a fleet of canadairdata contracted out to private individuals with stellar costs, the Minister for Ecological Transition cannot continue to stand still but, - conclude Evi and Bonelli , - has the duty to act urgently, correcting the infamous decision of the Renzi government to destroy a precious heritage of experience, knowledge of the territory and a fundamental defense in the fight against fire and in the protection of the naturalistic and fauna heritage of Italy such as the State Forestry Corps " .

"It is necessary to force the regions to stop hunting throughout Italy, not only in the areas affected by the fires, where it is already provided for by law". Thus the President of the National Animal Protection Authority, Carla Rocchi, in a letter sent today to the Minister for Ecological Transition, RobertoCingolani and to the Minister for Agricultural Policies, StefanoPatuanelli, following the devastating fires.

"I find that allowing in a few days to shoot wild animals - says Carla Rocchi - whose populations have been decimated by fire, with millions of specimens burnt and whose habitats are now charred, is literally unworthy for a State, which is called to intervene, with hypotheses conferred by our Constitution and by the current legislation, to protect that unavailable asset constituted by biodiversity and fauna ".

"The Ministry of Ecological Transition and the Minister of Agricultural Policies - concludes Rocchi - have the right and the duty to intervene in the priority protection of the common good represented by wildlife and biodiversity, since the regions do not apply article 19 of the national law 157 of 1992, suspending the hunting activity: indeed, if anything, they do the exact opposite. It is necessary to intervene immediately. The silence of the Ministers regarding the resumption of the hunt is unacceptable ". (HANDLE).