The Limited Times

Legislative advances for Mexicans

8/13/2021, 10:21:19 PM

At the end of its third year of work, the LX Legislature of the State of Mexico presented its work report, which presents, in addition to 258 initiatives of law or decree on crucial issues for the citizenship of the entity, a historical counterweight to the Executive state.

As part of the political transition experienced throughout the country after the last electoral elections of 2018, one of the most relevant entities and that have generated the most expectations about how the change would be experienced has been the State of Mexico, given its size and concentration population, as well as its proximity to the nerve centers of the national economy and its strategic position for public life in Mexico.

In the words of deputy Maurilio Hernández González, president of the Political Coordination Board of the 60th Legislature of the State of Mexico, the changes and renewal of the legislative power are "a reflection of citizenship, which is the true power in our State."

This is emphasized at the beginning of the report of the third year of work of the Chamber of Deputies of the State of Mexico, a document that highlights the results in legislative matters of 61 work sessions within five periods.

The organization highlights that for the first time in history, a real political counterweight was made against the state Executive, through which 258 initiatives of law or decree were shaped, of which 38 were presented by the citizens, as well as 214 points of agreement.

Among the approved initiatives, those achieved unanimously or by a majority on issues vital to the well-being of Mexicans, such as the fight against corruption, security and justice, gender and protection of women, children and girls, as well as progress in matters of health, education, human rights and inclusion, civil protection, rural development, among others.

Thanks to the coordinated work in legislative matters by the members of the 60th Legislature of the State of Mexico, the achievements obtained today take shape in clear initiatives that pursue the administration of justice in each and every one of the areas of public life of the Mexicans.

This is reflected in the section "The 60 of the LX, 3 years, better laws", which highlights the initiative of new laws on the forced disappearance of people and disappearance committed by individuals for the free and sovereign state of Mexico, the law of amnesty of the State of Mexico, the law for the comprehensive protection of journalists and human rights defenders of the State of Mexico, as well as the law for the special declaration of absence due to disappearance of persons from the State of Mexico.

Along these lines, progress was also made to create a protocol for the prevention, care and punishment of sexual harassment and sexual harassment, as well as a fine for those who obstruct control work, the creation of the special commission for the declarations of alert of violence against women for femicide and disappearance, as well as the presence of inclusive language in the legislation, among other initiatives.

Facing a future where equality, transparency and legislative coordination to improve the lives of the inhabitants of the State of Mexico, the third work report presented by the instance sets a precedent to achieve it in accordance with the law and ensuring guarantees. individual of the Mexiquenses.