The Limited Times

USA: terrorism alert in view of September 11th

8/13/2021, 10:33:25 PM

The US Department of National Security issued a terrorism alert citing potential threats coming from outside and inside the United States and mentioning the risk of "targeted violence" on the occasion of the twentieth anniversary of the attacks ... (ANSA)

(ANSA) - WASHINGTON, AUG 13 - The US Department of National Security has issued a terrorism alert calling for potential threats coming from outside and inside the United States and mentioning the risk of "targeted violence" on the occasion of the twentieth anniversary of the attacks of the 11 September 2001 and upcoming religious holidays.

    The bulletin also reads how al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula recently published the first English copy of its 'Inspire' magazine after four years, demonstrating how international terrorist organizations continue their efforts to recruit extremists in the US.
