The Limited Times

New crown pneumonia | A foreign domestic helper in a Stanley house diagnosed with a 56-year-old crew member who had been vaccinated in the United States

8/14/2021, 8:27:39 AM

There are two new confirmed cases of new coronary pneumonia in Hong Kong today, both of which are imported cases. The first case was a 38-year-old woman who was a foreign domestic helper who arrived in Hong Kong from the United States because she had already received two doses of Fubitai vaccine and held it. There is July 27

There are two new confirmed cases of new coronary pneumonia in Hong Kong today, both of which are imported cases. The first case was a 38-year-old woman who was a foreign domestic helper who arrived in Hong Kong from the United States because she had already received two doses of Fubitai vaccine and held it. There was a report that Hong Kong tested positive for antibodies to the spike protein of the new coronavirus on July 27, and the quarantine period was shortened to 7 days. The result was confirmed only after entering the local community, with the L452R variant virus. She lives in Stanley Village, Stanley Road independent house.

The second case was a 56-year-old man who was a crew member. He arrived in Hong Kong from the United States and was found to have the L452R variant virus. He had received two doses of Fubital vaccine in the United States.

There are less than 5 preliminary confirmed cases in Hong Kong today.

The Center for Health Protection of the Department of Health announced that as of 0:00 on August 14, the center is investigating two newly confirmed cases. So far, the total number of cases in Hong Kong is 12 033 (including 12 032 confirmed cases and one suspected case).

The newly added cases are all input cases.

Case 12032 involved a 38-year-old female patient who was a foreign domestic helper living in a detached house on Stanley Village Road, Stanley.

She left Hong Kong for the United States on June 18 and returned to Hong Kong by flight CX883 on August 1.

On July 29, before she left the United States, she obtained a negative test result, and the sample taken at the temporary sample collection center at the Hong Kong International Airport when she arrived in Hong Kong also tested negative.

She was asymptomatic and completed a seven-day quarantine at the quarantine hotel. The sample on the 12th day of arrival in Hong Kong (August 12) was initially positive.

The test conducted by the Public Health Laboratory Service of the Department of Health showed that the patient had the L452R mutant virus strain, but did not carry the N501Y and E484K mutant genes.

The center lists this case as an input case.

The domestic helper's virus CT value is less than 30. She received two doses of Fubital vaccine in Hong Kong on April 7th and April 28th.

The center stated that the locations visited by the patient during the incubation period and the infectious period have been included in the mandatory testing announcement. Designated persons who have stayed in the relevant locations at the specified time must undergo mandatory testing tomorrow or before.

The epidemiological investigation and follow-up of the case are still in progress.

The 12033th case was a 56-year-old man who was a crew member and had no symptoms. He arrived in Hong Kong from the United States on flight 5X062 on August 12 and was found to have the L452R variant virus, but none of the N501Y and E484K variants.

He received two doses of Fubital vaccine in the United States on March 12 and April 5.

In the past 14 days (July 31 to August 13), a total of 46 cases were reported, including one local case of unknown origin, and the rest were imported cases.

New crown pneumonia|The CT value of infected foreign domestic helper is 16.5 and the infectiousness is high. Xu Shuchang proposes to extend the quarantine period to 14 days. U.S. foreign domestic helpers returned to Hong Kong for hotel quarantine only on the 7th, returned to the community on the 6th, confirmed


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