The Limited Times

Opinion | Egypt recognizes Bennett's weakness - and maneuvers it according to its needs Israel today

8/18/2021, 2:16:11 PM

The Israeli laxity against Hamas, which reached a new high in the lack of response to the rocket fire into Sderot yesterday, is fueled by the Cairo government.

Last night we published an interpretation of the Israeli non - response to the rocket fire by Hamas in Gaza towards Sderot - one possibility was the Egyptian involvement in the process of possible settlement with the criminals in Gaza.

And here it speaks and it comes, the Egyptian representative arrived today for talks with Prime Minister Bennett.

And what do you think will come up in this conversation?

Is there any chance in the world that Bennett will say the following:

"Dear Sir, I greatly appreciate you and President al-Sisi for their concern for stability in our region. However, in the current situation and after many years of unbearable threat to our cities and citizens, it is time to change direction and act decisively to destroy Hamas' military capabilities. "Because the Muslim Brotherhood poses an internal threat within Egypt."

I'll spare you the thought - there's no way in the world Bennett will say those things.

This can not happen in a government that stands on the tip of a voter, and includes four MKs who belong to the Muslim Brotherhood faction.

Therefore, if anyone here thinks that the Israeli government in its current composition is capable of lifting any leverage against Egypt and Hamas - then it is living in a disturbing illusion.

Prime Minister Bennett and Defense Minister Ganz in the Gaza Division: "We will act at a time, place and under conditions that suit us" // Photo: Omer Miron / GPO, Sound: Nir Sharaf / GPO

Moreover, we are witnessing a dramatic weakening in deterrence and the American image and its implications for our regions.

In a situation where Iran holds the GAP strings and finances Hamas' equipment, this is in parallel with the nuclear talks, which can be assumed to show how much "determination" the Americans show there - the trend is very clear and it shook the regional geo-strategic balance. In the big bad news, and given such a "healing" government, there is no fear that we will see a determined Israeli move in the right direction, but increasing weakness.

It is worth saying that the Egyptians do not mediate between Israel and Hamas as a result of "love of Israel" - or if you will, "love of Mordechai".

The Egyptians are taking care of the clear Egyptian interest, which is to prevent an escalation in the Gaza Strip that will ignite the street in Cairo for riots led by the Muslim Brotherhood.

The Egyptians do not want this and will do everything possible to prevent it.

The question is what about the Israeli interest in this reality?

It is worth remembering the days of the Obama administration and understanding what the right tactics are at the political and military level - Israel must act in any way and aggressively to significantly harm Hamas' capabilities.

Now more than ever we must say "demilitarization - by agreement or force", put an ultimatum and prepare the army to present to the whole region that Israel will no longer restrain itself, and the next time we are required to enter the Gaza Strip - it will be the end of Hamas' military arm.

If the Americans and Egyptians want quiet, they must act decisively to demilitarize.

This is the only condition that Israel must firmly confront the series.

There will be no series without demilitarization.

The point is that compared to 2009, in Operation Cast Lead, today's IDF is much more prepared for a ground move in the Gaza Strip, and the plans can be implemented relatively quickly. Demilitarization.

Only there's a problem - Bennett can't do that. It has no room for maneuver, certainly with Hamas, as stated due to the political circumstances here in Israel. This reality only illustrates the limitations of the current government, and in the Biden era all the more so.

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