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The big winner: Taliban leader returns to Afghanistan after 20 years in exile - Walla! news

8/18/2021, 5:30:54 AM

Mula Abdul Gani Brader, one of the organization's founders, was imprisoned in Pakistan in 2010 and released at the request of the Trump administration in 2019. From Qatar, he has been negotiating with Washington and Kabul while his fighters occupy Afghanistan. The veteran who has become a diplomat may lead the new regime: "Now the test begins"

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The big winner: The Taliban leader returns to Afghanistan after 20 years in exile

Mula Abdul Gani Brader, one of the organization's founders, was imprisoned in Pakistan in 2010 and released at the request of the Trump administration in 2019.

From Qatar, he has been negotiating with Washington and Kabul while his fighters occupy Afghanistan. The veteran who has become a diplomat may lead the new regime: "Now the test begins"


  • Taliban

  • Afghanistan

News agencies

Wednesday, August 18, 2021, 8 p.m.

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Fights the Soviets and the Americans.

Mula Abdul Gani Brader, first (Photo: Reuters)

The head of the Taliban's political bureau, Mula 'Abdul Gani Brader, returned to Afghanistan last night (Tuesday) after being occupied by the organization.

He came from Qatar, where in recent years he has been negotiating with the United States and the ousted government.

The return of the organization's deputy leader marks the Taliban's resounding comeback to power, 20 years after it was overthrown by the United States, and is one of the great victors in the protracted war.

He chose to land in Kandahar, the second largest city in the country, the spiritual birthplace of the Taliban and its capital during the days of his previous regime.

Thousands welcomed Brother, who may be the de facto leader of Afghanistan, after 20 years in exile.

Brader is one of the two founders of the organization, along with Mula Omar, its first leader who died in 2015.

The two fought together against the Soviets, and later also with the Americans.

He is considered one of the most loyal commanders of Mula Omar, and therefore earned the nickname "Brother", the brother.

He was captured by Pakistani forces in 2010 and released from prison in 2019, at the request of the Trump administration, which saw him as an address for peace talks.

Officially, he is the deputy of Hibthallah Ahonzadeh, the supreme leader of the Taliban whose character is more mysterious than that of Brader, who actually runs the affairs of the organization.

On Sunday, after Kabul's conquest, Brader issued a taped statement in which he removed his glasses, one of the bearded leader's hallmarks, whose age is unknown.

"Now begins the test, how we serve and protect our people and secure their future."

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In the video: The Taliban took control of symbols of power in Afghanistan (documentation on social networks according to section 27A of the Copyright Law)

Earlier yesterday, the Taliban began outlining what its future regime would look like, in an attempt to reassure its citizens and the international community. The organization declared a general pardon and called on former government employees to return to work, although residents responded with apprehension and very few women took to the streets.

Taliban spokesman Zabihullah Mujahideh was first unveiled at a news conference in Kabul. He said women would be actively involved in society "under an Islamic framework," but he did not elaborate on their role in the new-old government.

The previous Taliban regime was notorious for banning girls from going to school, women from working alongside men and executions by stoning. It was shot down in 2001 in a US military invasion in response to the 9/11 attacks and the Taliban's sanctuary for al-Qaeda. Many in Afghanistan and abroad do not believe in the Taliban's PR attack, believing it has not changed its skin. In some of the areas under his control, assassinations of his opponents and restrictions on women have already been reported.

Yesterday, order was maintained at Kabul Airport, a day after the chaotic takeoffs of thousands of civilians flocking to the runways and clinging to the wings of a U.S. military plane.

Several of them fell to their deaths, and the records shook the world and heightened criticism of the retreat.

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